schooloftrade & James Wave

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While I am countering JJs (INVALID) claims to You Tube that my video is infringing his copyright anyone interested in viewing my story can watch it here instead
best regards
Lloyd Hopkins

The video has been removed under a TOU violation, ostensibly by Daily Motion ... in response to what? They do not say.

This is drifting from the laughable to the sublime.

Look - either this JJ bloke has an honest, tradeable system, that makes the money he claims it does, or he hasn't.

Ultimately this case could lead to people who devise and sell systems having to prove that the system HAS been traded live, and even STILL IS being traded live, before they are allowed to act as vendor.

I am wondering why he (JJ) is not simply putting up an account to show that he is genuine - why would someone go to the extraordinary lengths to shut down any freedom-of-speech statement, blowing a whistle about unproved claims?

Wouldn't it be a far better business tactic to simply blow away your detractors by posting some real results?

If I am selling a system, and I get some very loud public noises about my system's failure, I would simply and courteously show that the system is not at fault by posting a step-by-step trade or two, and either send a certified statement of a live trading account to forum moderators, or actually post a live account statement showing all trades.

If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, swims like a duck, you can hardly blame people for calling the bird a duck, can you?

I would say to this JJ bloke ... "Put up or shut up." If buyers have been aggrieved, and have not been dealt with appropriately by the vendor, they should be allowed some recourse - that is, at the very least they should be allowed to post their experiences in a public venue - particularly if that vendor is using the public arena to advertise his claims, be they false or otherwise.

People who have been burned should be allowed to warn others about where the heat is.

In my "opinion" Lloyd is being dealt with very unfairly by YouTube and Daily Motion, who have put commerce before verity. In the future Lloyd may have a case against them too, for discrimination, given that he is whistle-blowing against fraud, though right now it seems that no one is listening.

There are many of us "out here" Lloyd, who ARE listening, and who DO understand your battle with this vendor. I hope many other members will voice their support for you in your push to get this industry cleaned up - even if it begins with this fellow who is unable or unwilling to simply demonstrate the truth of his claims. He is taking another tack - attempting to silence the voice of his accuser, instead of kindly showing the world he does indeed have a workable method. The more he screams against you, the louder the word "scam" rings in the ears.

Some vendors are making the market-place a den of thieves, and I think it has already gone too far where there is this proliferation of ridiculous claims, but little proof, and certainly even less truth. With unfounded claims of success, and stories if disappointed purchasers surfacing every day on this and other forums, it is about time the industry got itself cleaned up.

Hopefully this will be the beginning of some sort of cleansing, where scammers can be exposed and held to account morally, if not in law. The industry should unite to kick out the thieves who are little more than failed traders themselves, taking the next easy option - flogging a carefully crafted "system" on a gullible and naive public.

I would like to see T2W more supportive and proactive in this area, particularly in cases like yours, Lloyd. T2W does quite well out of systems and how traders talk about them and operate them.

I think maybe T2W could show a little more loyalty to the consumer, and in so doing, would enhance not only their standing as a world class forum, but enhance their bottom line as well.

Why not:

* Offer system vendors the opportunity to earn a T2W STAR RATING, upon showing evidence of a system's success
* Require system vendors to actually provide proof of account earnings, in a forward-trading situation, before earning a star rating
* Provide a feedback and review system for each and every system offered in the marketplace, contributed by members, and rated by members
* Start a SCAM AND SHAME thread, where vendors who scam get publicly listed, until they can prove they do not deserve the scam rating/listing
*... there's 4 just off the top of my head.

That's what I mean by T2W taking some responsibility, some action and showing some loyalty towards members. If such a mechanism were already in place, I doubt JJ would be able to make unproved claims, and Lloyd would not find himself on the path he now treads.

Let's give this some thought - support our members, and clean-up this scamming industry. Trade2Win has enough members - 200,000 plus I heard, or at least it is advertised as being 200,000+. Surely that is enough power to have a voice in the right places??

Freedom of speech needs NEVER to bow to the threat of law.

There is no defamation here - only a request for proof ... and truth.

This forum is called Trade2Win not Trade2Lose ... let's keep it that way.
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Thanks for your comments Ingot54, you make a lot of sense to me and I think your proposals for the forum are very good indeed and I agree that they would certainly boost the popularity of this forum considerably more.

Dailymotion contacted by email with the following notification

"Some or all of the elements composing your video, "Review of James wave Trading &," have been flagged as infringing upon the intellectual property rights of a third party (e.g. author, producer, artist, etc.). It has been removed at the request of one or more of the rights holders."

I am now in the same process of counter claim with them as with You Tube.
The video has been removed under a TOU violation, ostensibly by Daily Motion ... in response to what? They do not say.

This is drifting from the laughable to the sublime.

Look - either this JJ bloke has an honest, tradeable system, that makes the money he claims it does, or he hasn't.

Ultimately this case could lead to people who devise and sell systems having to prove that the systems HAS been traded live, and even STILL IS being traded live, before they are allowed to act as vendor.

I am wondering why he (JJ) is not simply putting up an account to show that he is genuine - why would someone go to the extraordinary lengths to shut down any freedom-of-speech statement, blowing a whistle about unproved claims?

Wouldn't it be a far better business tactic to simply blow away your detractors by posting some real results?

If I am selling a system, and I get some very loud public noises about my system's failure, I would simply and courteously show that the system is not at fault by posting a step-by-step trade or two, and either send a certified statement of a live trading account to forum moderators, or actually post a live account statement showing all trades.

If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, swims like a duck, you can hardly blame people for calling the bird a duck, can you?

I would say to this JJ bloke ... "Put up or shut up." If buyers have been aggrieved, and have not been dealt with appropriately by the vendor, they should be allowed some recourse - that is, at the very least they should be allowed to post their experiences in a public venue - particularly if that vendor is using the public arena to advertise his claims, be they false or otherwise.

People who have been burned should be allowed to warn others about where the heat is.

In my "opinion" Lloyd is being dealt with very unfairly by YouTube and Daily Motion, who have put commerce before verity. In the future Lloyd may have a case against them too, for discrimination, given that he is whistle-blowing against fraud, though right now it seems that no one is listening.

There are many of us "out here" Lloyd, who ARE listening, and who DO understand your battle with this vendor. I hope many other members will voice their support for you in your push to get this industry cleaned up - even if it begins with this fellow who is unable or unwilling to simply demonstrate the truth of his claims. He is taking another tack - attempting to silence the voice of his accuser, instead of kindly showing the world he does indeed have a workable method. The more he screams against you, the louder the word "scam" rings in the ears.

Some vendors are making the market-place a den of thieves, and I think it has already gone too far where there is this proliferation of ridiculous claims, but little proof, and certainly even less truth. With unfounded claims of success, and stories if disappointed purchasers surfacing every day on this and other forums, it is about time the industry got itself cleaned up.

Hopefully this will be the beginning of some sort of cleansing, where scammers can be exposed and held to account morally, if not in law. The industry should unite to kick out the thieves who are little more than failed trades themselves, taking the next easy option - flogging a carefully crafted "system" on a gullible and naive public.

I would like to see T2W more supportive and proactive in this area, particularly in cases like yours, Lloyd. T2W does quite well out of systems and how traders talk about them and operate them.

I think maybe T2W could show a little more loyalty to the consumer, and in so doing, would enhance not only their standing as a world class forum, but enhance their bottom line as well.

Why not:

* Offer system vendors the opportunity to earn a T2W STAR RATING, upon showing evidence of a system's success
* Require system vendors to actually provide proof of account earnings, in a forward-trading situation, before earning a star rating
* Provide a feedback and review system for each and every system offered in the marketplace, contributed by members, and rated by members
* Start a SCAM AND SHAME thread, where vendors who scam get publicly listed, until they can prove they do not deserve the scam rating/listing
*... there's 4 just off the top of my head.

That's what I mean by T2W taking some responsibility, some action and showing some loyalty towards members. If such a mechanism were already in place, I doubt JJ would be able to make unproved claims, and Lloyd would not find himself on the path he now treads.

Let's give this some thought - support our members, and clean-up this scamming industry. Trade2Win has enough members - 200,000 plus I heard, or at least it is advertised as being 200,000+. Surely that is enough power to have a voice in the right places??

Freedom of speech needs NEVER to bow to the threat of law.

There is no defamation here - only a request for proof ... and truth.

This forum is called Trade2Win not Trade2Lose ... let's keep it that way.
I am wondering why he (JJ) is not simply putting up an account to show that he is genuine - why would someone go to the extraordinary lengths to shut down any freedom-of-speech statement, blowing a whistle about unproved claims?

Wouldn't it be a far better business tactic to simply blow away your detractors by posting some real results?

I agree with you too but your main point is quoted here, and the answer is SIMPLE.

Because JJ is a LIAR and can not prove it.

JJ prefers to go to all the other time consuming activities rather than just simply posting results from a Live Trading Account - UMMM, because he obviously doesn´t have one.
Great comments Ingot 54....

Elite trader ,an American forum has chosen to lose all creditability...

They have removed 3 threads Lloyd had set up and closed another all related to SchoolofTrade which were factual and with worthwhile contributions.The principal of the site responded when asked why they were removed by complaining that that was Lloyd's only postings...well is it a sin to post a thread with a factual account of fraud being perpetrated to warn other investors/traders?...Give me a break...

It may also have something to do with the fact Mirus Commodities, a sponsor on the ET site ,seems to be actually promoting SchoolofTrade and it continues to do so AFTER it was revealed that SoT is a fraud by misrepresenting the product for personal gain.Mirus recommends SoT on the 'education" portion of their site.

As I have stated before there is an apparent insidious relationship between vendors, platform vendors and small time discount commission brokerage put in simple language...KICKBACKS

You would think that a reputable firm like Mirus would approach this vendor and ask what the hell is going on...and ask for a sound explanation to disprove the allegations of phantom trades...of course, as we would expect, it will not be forthcoming.

So where does that leave Mirus Commodities?

Mirus were kind enough to respond earlier on this thread,which is not their custom. However, it would be good to see them respond now to enlighten the public of their stand...

So now we have some more evidence of deception from JJ and the, this information comes courtesy of those good fellows at Aussie Stock Forums!

Here is an extract from the thread up there in which JJ has been caught red handed trying to pose as a satisfied client, what more evidence do you need this guy is a liar and a fraud!

Reference from Aussie Stock Forums,
Originally Posted by BWeiss1985
Greetings Everyone, I saw this post and wanted to provide some feedback as well.


After some simple detective work I can confirm that this post is spam from the owner of who has decided to pose as a satisfied customer in an attempt to counter negative feedback.

Unfortunately, we see this kind of dishonesty all too frequently here at ASF and have decided that when we can confirm an instance of blatant deception such as this one, we will make it public for the benefit of those reading this thread.
Aussie Property Forums

So: A respectable business - Aussie Stock Forums (Aussie Property Forums) has come out publicly to say they nailed JJ pretending to be a satisfied client (BWeiss1985). I wonder how that works - is this a company you would want to do business with - posting wonderful reviews about themselves on forums, and then having nothing to say. Obviously deeply embarrassed and ashamed of themselves - not for having lied to the public, but for having been CAUGHT lying!!!

That seems to be the only logical reason JJ has gone to ground.

Look - it is a no brainer. If JJ can produce documented evidence, verified by the mods of Trade2Win, that he takes the trades LIVE that he tells his public he does, then there is nothing else to be said about SoT ... is there?

That's all. All this BS about legal people threatening defamation suits is so childish and groundless. No legal counsel would touch JJ with a 50-footer anyway - because no one has defamed him. He is damaging himeslf, though, each and every day that he delays putting up!

He hasn't, and it seems he can't (show evidence of his trades).

It can only be assumed that the fellow can not take his own trading recommendations - recommendations that he expects his "students" to take, after forking out money to learn "how to trade."

I expect JJ might have taken the advice - "put up or shut up."

He has chosen to SHUT up. I hope we can pursue this situation to its logical conclusion - if he is a fraud, then let it be seen.

I think is has already been clearly seen.

Next step is to begin a "SCAM" thread - with SoT getting the honour of being at the very top! Unless of course JJ can prove this not to be the case!

Hello ... is "School" in recess? Is the "Principal" on vacation?
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my video still remains on my Blog relating to this subject, we will wait for the decision from You Tube with bated breath!:clap:

I fully expect my You Tube videos to be re-instated in the coming days
So: A respectable business - Aussie Stock Forums (Aussie Property Forums) has come out publicly to say they nailed JJ pretending to be a satisfied client (BWeiss1985). I wonder how that works - is this a company you would want to do business with - posting wonderful reviews about themselves on forums, and then having nothing to say. Obviously deeply embarrassed and ashamed of themselves - not for having lied to the public, but for having been CAUGHT lying!!!

That seems to be the only logical reason JJ has gone to ground.

Look - it is a no brainer. If JJ can produce documented evidence, verified by the mods of Trade2Win, that he takes the trades LIVE that he tells his public he does, then there is nothing else for us to be said about SoT ... is there?

That's all. All this BS about legal people threatening defamation suits is so childish and groundless. No legal counsel would touch JJ with a 50-footer anyway - because no one has defamed him. He is damaging himeslf, though, each and every day that he delays putting up!

He hasn't, and it seems he can't.

It can only be assumed that the fellow can not take his own trading recommendations - recommendations that he expects his "students" to take, after forking oput money to learn "how to trade."

I expect JJ might have taken the advice - "put up or shut up."

He has chosen to SHUT up. I hope we can pursue this situation to its logical conclusion - if he is a fraud, then let it be seen.

I think is has already been clearly seen.

Next step is to begin a "SCAM" thread - with SoT getting the honour of being at the very top! Unless of course JJ can prove this not to be the case!

Hello ... is "School" in recess? Is the "Principal" on vacation?
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Here is an email I received from SOT dated Jan 25 2010,

Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from ( [])
by (SMTP Server) with ESMTP id E9BFD9C0B43
for <[email protected]>; Mon, 25 Jan 2010 12:30:43 -0500 (EST)
X-Orig-To: [email protected]

Hi Lloyd,

We recommend using Mirus Futures, out contact is below:

Sean Reilley
[email protected]

Thank You for your inquiry,

School Of Trade Support Desk
[email protected]
Llyod - I hope you can understand that many clients and vendors recommend Mirus Futures based solely on their satisfaction of our service. Mirus takes a lot of pride in the service we provide and this is the reason that we have an excellent reputation in the industry. The best way for us to prove this fact is asking you to do a google search and you'll find many positive comments about our company.

Astoria - As previously stated, we have not requested any thread be removed from EliteTrader. A simple email to EliteTrader would confirm this. In addition, Mirus does NOT give "kickbacks" or any compensation to any education vendors and without trying to stir the pot, your accusation is completely unfounded. Mirus provides free webinars that are strictly educational and are designed for traders to walk away with something of value that can hopefully improve their trading. It's a way for traders to learn about different methodologies, risk management, trading psychology, etc without paying a penny. I encourage you to listen to some of these webinars to see that we set ourselves apart from other "trading webinars" by keeping it educational and do not allow "salesy" material. It's a service that is available to clients and non-clients, and we have received a lot of positive comments for bringing this to the public. At the risk of people thinking we are using this post as an advertisement, I'm posting the link to our recorded webinars simply to allow people on this thread to decide for themselves :

We do a lot of due diligence on the partners we work with and actively listen to all feedback to protect our reputation and continue to bring value to the industry. It's important to realize that we do put more weight on feedback that comes to us directly from clients because that person is not anonymous. Unfortunately, we have seen educators, brokers, and traders post in forums anonymously to achieve a personal agenda, so it is always better for us to hear directly from clients.

In regards to School of Trade specifically, there is no promotion of their service from Mirus beyond a strictly educational webinar that we hosted (prior to knowledge of this thread). There is no payment for referrals. They are not listed on our website and we are not listed on theirs.

While we rarely post on forum sites, we felt it was important to respond to protect our reputation. Mirus is a reputable company and in the interest of cleaning up the industry, I would think you would want to have some factual evidence before making claims about companies that actually bring value to our industry. I won't comment further on this thread but I will make myself available for direct communication:

Eliot Wickersheimer
Principal, Mirus Futures
[email protected]

I hope this helps clear things up.

And there is no KICKBACK?.....
Thank you for helps everyone when people are forthright...even if some things need further explanation.

Is there a possibility the SchoolofTrade could be so forthright to deny the allegations of "phantom trades"?

The fourth paragraph suggests that Mirus Futures have disassociated themselves with can only assume they did not receive a satifactory answer from Joseph James.

YouTube said they would re-instate my video within 10-14 days following my counter notification to them about copyright infringement alleged by JJ. Today it has been 14 days since my counter notification was submitted and I have heard nothing from YouTube. I have also head nothing from JJ or concerning this alleged copyright infringement.

My video can still be viewed on my BLOG , please visit

my video still remains on my Blog relating to this subject, we will wait for the decision from You Tube with bated breath!:clap:

I fully expect my You Tube videos to be re-instated in the coming days
Lloyd (and others),

I took a look at the refund policy (per one of your posts), and sure enough, it seems to indicate that they are trading on sim. However, it also says:

"The chat room is for online educational purposes only. It is not to be misunderstood as a trading room. Such as a room giving signals for trading real money. We request that our students follow our trades using a simulator as we do when we recognize trading opportunities. Please do not misunderstand our services. We are here to educate students using actual real-time charts and simulated trades."

I'll admit that the results seem fantastic. However, after reading the refund policy, it appears the results are also completely academic.

...caveat emptor...
A fair point, Cshep....but it does not override the fact that Joseph James of SchoolofTrade deliberately created a phantom trade to falsely misrepresent the product for his own personal gain...FRAUD.

A fair point, Cshep....but it does not override the fact that Joseph James of SchoolofTrade deliberately created a phantom trade to falsely misrepresent the product for his own personal gain...FRAUD.


To Interested Members:
From: New Member JamesR

I am new to this Forum and feel fortunate to have come across it. I have been thinking about joining School Of Trade, but now feel I should ask a few more questions of JJ. I assumed his trade results were real money. I am now feeling concerned they might not be. After watching his promotional videos almost daily, one would assume he is talking about real money. I have never heard him say "these are simulated results". By the way, I have a new account with Mirus Futures and I think they are just great, and one of the better leading firms I have had a chance to review.

I will follow up with answers from the School of Trade.

Questions - is anyone making a decent daily income trading the ES futures? They say 95 percent of people who try don't make it.

take care .. jamesR
JamesR, please be aware that JJ follows this thread and will have read your comments, kind regards
To Interested Members:
From: New Member JamesR

I am new to this Forum and feel fortunate to have come across it. I have been thinking about joining School Of Trade, but now feel I should ask a few more questions of JJ. I assumed his trade results were real money. I am now feeling concerned they might not be. After watching his promotional videos almost daily, one would assume he is talking about real money. I have never heard him say "these are simulated results". By the way, I have a new account with Mirus Futures and I think they are just great, and one of the better leading firms I have had a chance to review.

I will follow up with answers from the School of Trade.

Questions - is anyone making a decent daily income trading the ES futures? They say 95 percent of people who try don't make it.

take care .. jamesR
The attached image provides clear evidence of how misrepresent their products and services. They attempt to deceive their clients into believing they trade a live account and make real money with their trading system. Of course the truth is they trade in SIM and their system would not make a cent in the real world. Their own small print confirms this fact for us as you have correctly pointed out.

They assume by having this small print it indemnifies them from future claims once their clients blow out their live account attempting to trade a system that was never going to make profit in the first place.

My video provides also comprehensive overview of how they operate,

Lloyd (and others),

I took a look at the refund policy (per one of your posts), and sure enough, it seems to indicate that they are trading on sim. However, it also says:

"The chat room is for online educational purposes only. It is not to be misunderstood as a trading room. Such as a room giving signals for trading real money. We request that our students follow our trades using a simulator as we do when we recognize trading opportunities. Please do not misunderstand our services. We are here to educate students using actual real-time charts and simulated trades."

I'll admit that the results seem fantastic. However, after reading the refund policy, it appears the results are also completely academic.

...caveat emptor...
The attached image provides clear evidence of how misrepresent their products and services. They attempt to deceive their clients into believing they trade a live account and make real money with their trading system. Of course the truth is they trade in SIM and their system would not make a cent in the real world. Their own small print confirms this fact for us as you have correctly pointed out.

They assume by having this small print it indemnifies them from future claims once their clients blow out their live account attempting to trade a system that was never going to make profit in the first place.

My video provides also comprehensive overview of how they operate,


I rec'd an email reply from "sales" at the School of Trade and was told the nightly video are results from Joesph James live trading for the day mentioned. So they tell me its real money.Here is the question I asked:
"Sorry, when I asked the below question it was directed to Joesph James and I was referring to his nightly video results and not what others or members are doing. I am wondering if his daily video recap dollar totals reflect real money (his real cash winnings for the day) or are his daily results "paper trade" or "simulated" account results. Therefore the weekly and monthly totals are simulated totals."

I will continue to do my research before I sign on.

take care,
His trades are definately NOT LIVE, he is using a demo account...Joseph James is a compulsive liar. I was in the room when he made a mistake and showed his 'other' monitor...u know the one with the DOM on it which lets u see when trades are actually entered!!!! ACTUALLY ENTERED!!!

You could see the top of said 'DEMO ACCOUNT'...I know my account is new, but I am someone else who has not commented on this thread before...

If Joseph James says those trades are on his live account, ask for PROOF...yes the PROOF JJ, sorry to pop the bubble of this beautiful con-job you conjured up, made it seem so real that even you believe it is true. Of course guys, it is constructed so that it is something you want, you think you can get it by handing JJ a few grand of your money..oh yes act while the special deal is on...all the usual tricks...JJ is a used car salesman...that is all he knows...his pea-sized brain only knows how to paint turds yellow and sell them as bananas.

Ask JJ to show you the 'Trades' Tab in the 'Account Performance' section of NinjaTrader at the end of the Trading session webinar...not his neat little wet-dream spreadsheet with his fantasy fiction trade results....ask him to email you an account report...not his lying bull s**T spreadsheet, ninjatrader has a function to directly email trade performance results without edit, just right click on the list...

Notice how he doesn't let you talk to other members...notice how he is always talking about members winning mention of those STRUGGLING to get fills with his special 'SECRET SAUCE' his 'TRAP TECHIQUE' which is total bull also...there is nothing special or secret about it....if you pay, and watch the video about it, the only thing you will find special is the thought "what is this it?...didn't I spend a few grand? what is so special about this, there must be more" but no that is it, and then you will have to practice and master it, of course you will never master it cause at the end of the day, there is nothing really special there to master....Gosh JJ life must be hell for you, a room full of people trying to get their money's the nightmare of your life JJ really worth the money you traded for it...your flashy shades and mobile phone you show off on your facebook. JJ thinks if he can just keep talking, motor-mouthing off continuous verbal vomit, everything will be fine...shut your trap and listen JJ...your room is not the NUMBER #1 Trade Room on the Internet...and to see you type that just shows how delusional you is actually so funny...look at what happened to you, the state of denial you are in...Number #1 seriously JJ why don't U GET A LIFE, do something REAL for a change, that doesn't involved SCREWING OVER ANOTHER HUMAN BEING...why do u do it? Do you hate your fellow human being so much? Were things really tough when you were a kid? School of Trade is really a charity for kids with a tough upbringing.

What JJ does is he is basically trading very short-term breakouts, he claims to use his 'Pace of the Tape' indicator to look for rushes or flurries of orders which confirm the breakouts. He also has an 8 or 13 Exponetial Moving Average which he has renamed the James Wave Indicator....go figure, sound cool no, ie stay away ...He makes it look pretty by making a template with all the bright colors and simple buy/sell arrows that newbies and those who are down on their luck think they can buy their way to success. He puts this EMA on 8,13,21 Range charts, but it varies for different markets...the specifics are not important...but he uses all this as reason why setup A worked but B didn't...however JJ buys/sells every breakout that occurs...when it confirms and goes in the anticipated direction he tells the room buy or sell and moves his 'Trade Management' chart into the screen that webinar participants can see. If the trade doesn't work out he never shows you it...and u never know about the trade...there u go, MAGIC!!! oh just forget that trade, it never happened...u see JJ is a time traveller, he can go back in time and undo the trade that he once took...everything is great, SOT works....NOT...ASK HIM TO SHOW YOU THE TRADES IN THE ACCOUNT PERFORMANCE TAB OF NINJATRADER..

That's it folks...yes a lying scum sucker...that is what Joseph James is daylight robbery and this guy belongs behind bars...he takes all of your hopes and dreams, all that is good about humanity and craps all over it. It is an elaborate con job, don't trust him for a second, he has weaved a web of lies so deep that not even he can keep track of it. But he must maintain the illusion at all costs, he is in a constant state of denial until the last draw, he just cannot swallow the reality of his lies, because in order to push his product he has to push his fabricated reality.

It is such a shame that he has spent so much time and effort, and is obviously a very methodical and organised guy, and wasted his talent on pushing these filthy lies...and abuse our sense of morality by claiming he is a hard-working family man. DO NOT be BLINDED by these ABUSES of your GOOD HUMAN CONCERNS...he is bankrolling your naivety.

btw...I have since ditched SOT..yes I paid the cost, and it upset me for a long time, compounded by trading losses caused by following his JAMES WAVE SYSTEM...I followed it and lost, so it is not a no-brainer, buying it will not guarentee success. I wrote JJ off at as a loss as well, because I didn't want the negative emotions that the experience generated get in the way of my progress...perhaps this is what he ultimately wants for his customers, for them to just realise it is a scam and leave him alone....I can assure you customer support is virtually non-existant, however sales are quik and light of the fact that companies like Goldman Sachs are have legal problems, I think School of Trade should face the same. Personally I don't know how those guys, Perry, Josheph and Wesley or whatever can honestly live with themselves....they too are naive, they think this will not come back to haunt them...back to my point...I am now successful, I am not here cause I have nothing better to do, it took time, there were no short-cuts, and ultimately you can only rely on yourself in the body else can tell u what to do...all the education, systems, etc and more is free on the web already...don't feed the snakes.

and JJ....such a waste, such a shame....just tell me WHY? money? really? you work too hard at this lie for it to be just about cash...maybe u got conned, perhaps you enjoy deceiving people...

Number #1 trading room on the Internet, that is so good...what a joke, what a state of denial JJ is in...
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