Schatz/Bund basis point value?


Active member
Hey out there

In need of an answer asap...

If you have a Schatz/Bund spread on with a ratio of 9 Schatz to 2 Bunds

What is the value amount that the spread will change if the spread moves 1 basis point?

I've calculated €90 but am not sure. It's urgent so any replies would be much appreciated!


I see these weights as slightly mismatched, i.e. you have some outright directional exposure. However, I see this worth EUR181 or EUR187, depending on how you wanna look at your outright risk (this is spot duration).
Thanks for the reply, would you see the ratio more as 5:1? That's what I was told but bloomberg is giving a ratio of 1:4.364 so I went with 9:2. I'd rather be exposed to higher bund price though.

Could I ask how you calculated this?
Thanks for the reply, would you see the ratio more as 5:1? That's what I was told but bloomberg is giving a ratio of 1:4.364 so I went with 9:2. I'd rather be exposed to higher bund price though.

Could I ask how you calculated this?
I used BBG (which gives the same ratio you see), but I also look at the CTD duration implied by the contract px/conversion factor at the maturity of the contract. It's a trivial calculation.