I have some first hand experience of S3Signals which may be of interest to the forum. I should state that I have no connection with this company apart from being a current subscriber to the auto-traded DAX service currently offered.
I have had my share, possibly more than my share, of con artists over the years, but I think I have finally found someone offering a service that is genuine and most likely to achieve my objectives over the longer term.
This company is run by a guy called Simon Grinter, who claims to be, and is, a Chartered Accountant. He appears to run his service from his home address. The service comprises usually one daily recommendation to buy/sell the DAX index, together with relatively close stops and limits. His approach seems to be to make money by modest daily gains of between 10 of 30 points, nothing sensational, but steady.
Communication, which appears to be primarily by email, has been good, with personal and courteous replies to several quite complicated and detailed queries received quickly, sometimes in the evening.
There are two schemes, one self traded by means of recommendations via simultaneous email and SMS messages to 2 phones, the other auto traded by Simon Grinter direct with Futures Betting in Gibraltar. The first message appears around 8.30 daily. The first scheme has a subscription of £295 per month, with a free 14 day trial before if required. No subscription is required for the auto-traded scheme as no messages are sent out with this service.
I have undergone the 14 day trial. As I was a bit uncertain, I paper traded the recommendations, although I would have made quite a bit of money net had I backed it with real funds.
I have recently joined the auto traded scheme, depositing £10,000 with Futures Bettting. In the four days I have been auto traded, 3 of the 4 days have been winners and one a loser.
It is still early days, and it remains to be seen whether this scheme will prove profitable long term. My experience of S3 has to date however been impressive and Simon Grinter is one the few people who has inspired any confidence in me in what we all know are shark infested waters.