Router Networking Question


Active member
I have 2 computers wired to a Netgear Router.

This is probably a dumb question, but can I somehow access files on one computer from the other one?
Is the Netgear device a ADSL Router with integral switch?

If it is then you have to create shares on the Directories you want to read/write files too with the correct permissions.

For instance you have a directory c:\MyData that you share as MyData on PC1

PC2 can access those files by typing in \\PC1\MyData from Start-Run

Alternatively you could use My Network Places and browse for the Share.

There are also other ways but you first need to create one or more shares.

Ps I'm assuming PC1 can ping PC2 and visa versa.

Yes integral switch.

Have you checked the IP addresses on each PC?

I take it y=they both connect to the Internet OK?

If they don't ping then I suspect you have firewalls on such as the one built into XP.

If that is the case then try the tests with the Firewalls disabled and go from there.

Yes - the firewalls were blocking ping attempts - fixed now - thanks.

All working ok now. Thanks for your help.
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