rewire the brain for trading perfection

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Your thoughts are powerful and they cause physical reactions in your brain and body.
Bad, mad, sad, hopeless or helpless thoughts release chemicals that make you feel bad. Your hands get cold and you sweat
more. Your heart rate quickens and flattens (which isn’t good for your health), you breathe more quickly and more shallowly,
and your muscles tense up.
Negative thinking causes serious decreases in cerebellum and temporal lobe activity. When activity in the cerebellum is low,
it’s harder for you to think and process information quickly.
On the other hand, happy, positive, hopeful, loving thoughts release chemicals that make you feel good. Your hands feel
warmer, you sweat less, your heart rate slows and starts to bounce around (a good thing), your breathing slows and deepens,
and your muscles relax. Amen Clinic studies show that positive thoughts enhance brain function!
Neuroscientists have been trying to figure out how neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons) and neuroplasticity (the malleability of neural circuits) work together to reshape how we think, remember, and behave.

Because of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ever-changing potentials, anything is possible. People who’ve had strokes can retrain their brains to function again by building new pathways. Smokers and overeaters and many others can learn new behaviors and attitudes and can transform their lives.

It would be great if a stroke survivor could, through will power and determination, build new pathways to overcome the brain damage that is the cause of dsability. Although some degree of recovery usually does occur following a stroke the sad fact is that there is often a lasting disablity.