Some simple observations on the pattern of my trades that are helping me make money, and which I find a bit contrarian.
Most of my trades do not improve by holding to 5 days or more - the winners make the bulk of their profit in day 1 or 2, occasionally 3, but through sessions 4 or 5 or beyond they have lost energy and tend to be either flat or settle back a little. As I'm trend-following, the majority do eventually extend the trend, but the delay and drawdown are too harsh for my stomach.
A very small percentage go parabolically upwards from entry but perhaps as I'm not trading break-outs and reversals the number is too small to make a significant impact on my equity curve.
Most trades that reach a good profit level by the end of day 2 do not fall back and hit my initial stop. But half of them fall back to break-even.
Most trades that are going to hit my initial stop move without much delay towards it, often in the very first session. They usually hit it within 3 days. If they have not hit it within 3 days, they still don't recover and go into profit - they either dawdle around for a couple of weeks or drift towards the stop.
Probably all the above can be rationalised as I am making entries on resumption of established trends so my signals might be at the tail-end of momentum moves. Anyway, interesting, and so much for plans to let the winners run.