Re - should there be a commerical sub forum for vendors

Should T2W have a separate sub forum for commercial posts/vendors?

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I guess someone had to ask it so I thought I would take one for the team. Who thinks that T2W should consider separating out commercial posts from non commercial (as they have done on Forex Factory).

Personally I joined T2W to discuss trading and not be bombarded by vendors. It's turned into a vend fest.

PS - this could backfire as there are so many vendors now they can simply vote for status quo.
I guess someone had to ask it so I thought I would take one for the team. Who thinks that T2W should consider separating out commercial posts from non commercial (as they have done on Forex Factory).

Personally I joined T2W to discuss trading and not be bombarded by vendors. It's turned into a vend fest.


:) and you want to see the thousands of deleted posts, too

It's been thought about several times. Bit difficult to decide what is a commercial post and what is not. Overtly commercial posts are already deleted (please report) and quite a lot of members who have a vendor tag do do post interesting trading stuff which it would be a shame to keep off the main boards.

Current policy is to tolerate vendors so long as they post things of interest to members - about trading, not their product/service - but it's an "on balance" thing. There are also threads where members have questions to ask about a product/service, like the CMC thread, and they seem quite acceptable?

Current policy is to tolerate vendors so long as they post things of interest to members - about trading,
On that basis jon, can we have a poll to vote for kicking out members, vendors or not, who post little related to trading?

That would generate some traffic....
Isn't that what happens anyway?

Someone turns up, spams and then gets banned. Happens most days...

Who are the active vendors that post little about trading?
nobody bombrads me. u just being psychotic

PS I just realised - people who cannot trade but know something abt it becoming vendors and are trying to sell the knowledge. ppl who cannot trade and know nothing abt trading trying to be socialists pigs exterminating everything around which sticks above their mediocrity.
As you say, FF has implimented this idea, Commercial members (or vendors) are simply not allowed to post in the main forum.

They are restricted to posting in a sewer, where literally anything goes. Spammers, Ponzi operators, scammers and legitimate vendors all share the same space.

I didnt think this would work, for the same reasons that T2W management and staff always give, and that is, you'd lose good input from legitimate vendors. I was wrong though, it has worked at FF. The main threads are clean, and the vendor sewer has pretty much died a death, other than for some vendor bashing, and the "legitimate vendors" simply havnt been missed at all.

The long standing "legitimate" vendors didnt stay and provide quality input in the sewer, they fled to forums where their "input" is valued.

I have no idea if there been an increase in the traffic generated after the implimentation of the "sewer", and I'm no great fan of FF, its far to gay a forum, but I think the quality of contributions has improved now its a vendor free zone.

It wont happen at T2W,99% of contributors are vendors (although you wouldnt know it since they did away with the vendor tag ?)

Edited to add, vendor tag is now back ! well done T2W :)
It wont happen at T2W,99% of contributors are vendors (although you wouldnt know it since they did away with the vendor tag ?)

I'm using google Chrome and the vendor tags are back at least with this browser.

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ppl who cannot work becoming politicians and rule the world. this is your favourite idea of democracy and nobody objects. what wrong with ppl who wants to sell trading ideas?

if they could act on their ideas they wont be sharing them.. u cant have it both ways...

so i think the whole anti-vendor campaign is boll0x
As you say, FF has implimented this idea, Commercial members (or vendors) are simply not allowed to post in the main forum.

They are restricted to posting in a sewer, where literally anything goes. Spammers, Ponzi operators, scammers and legitimate vendors all share the same space.

I didnt think this would work, for the same reasons that T2W management and staff always give, and that is, you'd lose good input from legitimate vendors. I was wrong though, it has worked at FF. The main threads are clean, and the vendor sewer has pretty much died a death, other than for some vendor bashing, and the "legitimate vendors" simply havnt been missed at all.

The long standing "legitimate" vendors didnt stay and provide quality input in the sewer, they fled to forums where their "input" is valued.

I have no idea if there been an increase in the traffic generated after the implimentation of the "sewer", and I'm no great fan of FF, its far to gay a forum, but I think the quality of contributions has improved now its a vendor free zone.

It wont happen at T2W,99% of contributors are vendors (although you wouldnt know it since they did away with the vendor tag ?)

Edited to add, vendor tag is now back ! well done T2W :)


that's interesting - is there any sign of an increase in "secret vendors"? You know, those who act as kosher members and use more devious means to attract potential customers. These are one of our problems here because, if they are cute about it, considerable water passes under the bridge sometimes before they are rumbled.

ppl who cannot work becoming politicians and rule the world. this is your favourite idea of democracy and nobody objects. what wrong with ppl who wants to sell trading ideas?

You are right about politicians. Politics is too abstract a concept for most people, and there's too much apathy.

But how would you feel if anyone could set up a course on how to conduct open heart surgery, and the graduates of those courses, where then deemed to be qualified work in hospitals, operating on members of the public.

Would that be OK for you, or would you prefer that there was some degree of regulation, where surgeons where required to study in accredited institutions, taught by people who actually had experience of treating live patients ?

In one case, you risk losing your life, and in the case of a trading vendor, you only risk losing your wealth.

The argument is a bit pointless really because its self evident that anyone who can trade, has absolutely no need to sell anything, let alone deal with dunces who are too thick to work things out for themselves. Its the same argument that you'd apply to politicians, anyone who craves power, isnt by definition a suitable person to wield that power.