RANsquawk/ FC market squawk..


Hi guys,

Im new to trading .I have just opened a demo account with MIRUS futures.

I am looking to add a Live squawk service to aid me, the toss up is between RANsquawk or FC Market Squawk, both UK based.

Can anyone tell me here which is the better of the 2 squawk firms? Both on speed of news/headline announced and price.
The main concern for me is the quality of the service as opposed to the price.

Thanks for any help.

Hi guys,

Im new to trading .I have just opened a demo account with MIRUS futures.

I am looking to add a Live squawk service to aid me, the toss up is between RANsquawk or FC Market Squawk, both UK based.

Can anyone tell me here which is the better of the 2 squawk firms? Both on speed of news/headline announced and price.
The main concern for me is the quality of the service as opposed to the price.

Thanks for any help.


Bump! I'm currently using Traders Audio but I'm also interested in hearing experiences from the other ones.
I’ve tried both services and I think FC is quicker and the headlines they squawk are more relevant.

First of all, congratulations to the insight to use a news feed in your trading endeavour - not everybody is that smart right from the start !

But in order to find out about the interconnection between news & announcements and price action you do not need the expensive real time feeds for a sim account, delayed will do for that purpose.

Unfortunately this is not a short travel of discovery, however, the most important one.

There are serious shortcomings in all the services offered at the affordable retail level.
You might end up with a combination of various services, like I do.

Take all the trials and find out for yourself.
Both offer 1 week free trial through their websit, Go through both of them and you will find out the difference.
I ran both of them at the same time and found RanSquawk way faster ,clearer and Relevant.
I like the rumors and market analysis posted in text and audio from RanSqwak.
I look it for Futures, Fixed Income, Forex.
I can't seem to find FC market squawk, where can I get a trial of this? I'm using Live Squawk at the moment, hands down better than anything else I have tried.