First off, If you locate gold in a mountain, who are you going to tell? Surely not another mining company.
Each trader is a miner, we are all after the same exact thing.
Why would I tell you were you can find the gold?
Now, also throw in this outlook.
If something works, and your proof is redoubtably on the money, and you tell everyone, well, smart traders will use the same, exact plan.
But what isn't thought of in the long run, just like mining gold, the more the miners and shovels, the faster the gold removed from the mountain, which equals more MOVEMENT, or a greater pace of action.
From the point to entry and exit was smooth before, it wont be so smooth down the road.. Although you might not be scalping, you will find that you MUST adapt to the faster movements, BECAUSE EVERYONE IS DOING THE SAME EXACT THING, AT THE SAME EXACT TIME, So incidentally, your shooting yourself in the foot in the long term..
Now, my point of view with trading, although Im still newbish, (19 months ) isnt about trends, swings, pips, it boils down to money managment.
you can get a zillion pips, but if your money managment program is crap, your just running in place.. A fast run at that..
So, now you have the grail, everyone is using it, and smart traders, I presum,as I again, seeing this thru my perception, is compounding to the MAX. Why not right, you got the grail in your hands. And I will call this the grail, because, well, everyone is using it. Im getting great put action, fast pips, perfect entry and exits, high W/L ratio, Im in it to win it.
When your winning, you max it out.. Its the grail, time to get wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.
But wait, whats happening. Its seems to be losing footing, the action isnt what it was last week.. Why? Because now, you have a mass of 1,000 lot orders flowing in and out, by several people. But the bigger players are playing them alllllllllllllll. They are counter acting this mass of individuals, and everything begins to fail across the board, simply because the grail, didnt adapt to the Big players.
This my not make a load of sense to some, but this is my perception.
THis is another reason, why I wont tell the location of my moutain.
I dont need 20,000+ throwing 1,000 lots each into the action, I need them to continue wondering the range for a chunk of gold, hiting and missing consistanly, so MY mountain will continue to produce gold, FOR ME, MAhuauauahau