Price Value of a good expert advisor

An expert advisor is someone who can teach someone to trade and to get over their psychological barriers. These are the problems all trader's have and why so many lose. Trading is NOT that difficult it is the person who complicates it.

Hi folks

What is the value of an expert advisor?How do we put a value on an expert advisor?What is a good expert advisor?

A good expert advisor is one with a drawdown of 50 % of the yearly pips it makes(averaged out over 3 years).It should have annual pippage of at least 700 pips and a drawdown of 350 pips.

An investor could put 10,000 and expect to make 70 % per year = 700 pips *$10

If an investment in an expert advisor gives an income of 70% ,on a 10,000 account (the minimum account size used )it would give 10 times the annual interest income of say 7% =70%.In my view the expert advisor is worth 10 times * 10,000 * 0.5 (annual drawdown) = $50,000.

A really good expert advisor making $250,000 from a $10,000 account is worth around $1.8 m

Could anybody else come up with a formula for putting a value on expert advisors
