Porn Pop-up


Active member
I am occasionally getting a porn 'pop-up' when browsing this site. This is a very recent innovation. I immediately delete it, wouldn't dream of opening it, but have any others had the same thing happen?
Orchard, I can assure that there are no such popups delivered via this website. Nor will there ever be.

Make sure you check to see what application you have running in your background. Because some programs - (a few spring to mind - Kazaa, and Bonzai Buddy), covertly open adverts even though you might not realise you're running them. Check to see what apps you have installed by either looking at your Windows Task Bar or Ctrl-Alt-Del and seeing what Appps you have running.

And the best way to purge such programs is to use a program called Ad-Aware - you can find it here:
I didn't for one moment think the pop-up had anything to do with this site directly. Tonight, all I've done is log on, I'm on, and came straight to these boards. I was much relieved as I couldn't get on earlier and felt as though my blood supply had been cut off!!!!!
I will check my apps (I think, not being very computer literate) but cannot think of anything I've been into that I haven't been into before.
Will let you know if it happens anywhere else (only 2 so far) It is not pictures or anything just an 'invitation!.
Thanks for your help.
Another thought Orchard is it could be Windows Messanger, I occaionally get unwanted popups with it signed in.
Porn Popups

Yes Sharky, come to think of it it was Windows Messenger. A bit naughty isn't it????
... another solution is the option I choose a piece of software which stop all the spyware and the pop-up's
a program like adaware will solve it...there is various one's
You can get some of the at :
...and go to downloads!
Thanks both, I will try scrimbleshanks first (seems easier!!).
If all else fails will try further.
Many thanks.
Thx Skim. Spot on . On my XP machine at work I keep getting theses messages popping up offering Hot Steamy S**. I wouldn't mind, but it's from a Bloke :(
While we are on this type of subject, it might be worth a visit to
download the Leaktest and IP agent to test the security of your firewall and have your ports probed to see if you have any open that that are up for hacking attempts.
Bit on there about the XP as well.
