Picking the top of the commodities bubble

Same as any bull market, really. People will stop asking about how to identify the top, start telling fish stories about how they sold wheat at $40, gold at $2000, oil at $250, etc., and start yammering on about how anybody who isn't a moron lemming could have done the same if they stopped drinking the kool aid and followed <insert the username of your favorite lucky moron lemming here> who always draws the right lines on the chart and made 3000 consecutive accurate predictions in the <insert latest papertrading thread here> thread.

Indeedy. In fact, one rule of thumb is when the general public start taking an interest, you know it's nearly the end. And I'm sure you know on PH everyone and their mother has started asking about gold and oil...

When Trader's Commitments are referenced in "The Archers".


If Elizabeth Archer or Nigel Pargiter came to Stockport they would suffer napalm.

I had my car nicked last night. Have you got something to tell me, RC, or do I have to get "upset"?

Who says it's a bubble, check out the very long term charts - everything is still historically cheap.
just buy 20% to 30% corrections for now, look for major tops in 10 to 15 years.
Was in Shanghai the other day.
an got a tip from a porter for a chinese IPO!

but no commodities yet.