Performance Tracking Software - Does Anything Fit This Description?


Hi everyone,

For a year or so now I've been keeping track of my trading performance via calculating the week-end values of all my holdings and the cash in my trading accounts, adding it all up to get a total value and using that against the original value/last weeks value to calculate week and overall performances, and plot these against indices for comparisons.

What I really want is a piece of software that you enter in the trades you make by selecting the equity, then entering in the date, amount and cost of the transaction. I then want the software to tell me (it doesnt have to be live) what the current value of all my investments are, and I would like it to plot the total value on a graph, so it would have to keep a record of the end-of-day prices.

The software would have to include ALL LSE listed stocks, including AIM, and preferably the larger international equity markets.

I would also like it to be able to plot the chart against indices like the FTSE100 so I can compare my performance against the markets.

Does this exist? I've been looking for a while and cant find anything. I'm happy to pay for it and happy to pay a reasonable monthly fee.

Cheers in advance!