PC specs & web surfing speed performance

if you want to have quick response speeds, especially during your trades etc, i'd suggest to use a pc not older than 2 years.

Where possible install linux/unix/freebsd, which would give you a much better response time over the same connection and keep the unwanted junk to a minimum.

If you want more help regarding how linux/unix/freebsd canhelp you, feel free to contact you.
I saw an interesting graph (possibly unscientific - can't remeber if any data) on IG's website comparing browsers for use with their platform in terms of loading times etc. Internet Explorer was the slowest by a long chalk - Firefox / chrome etc all vastly better. Firefox is an excellent piece of kit - just go back to IE for a reminder why.

you should try opera ! its way faster than anything else thats out there.. the new safari 4 seems a good piece of work too.