Pattern Day Trader Status


Junior member
It is my understanding that if your trading account is <$25K, you cannot make more than three trades a week without being suspended from trading for 90 days.

What I do not understand is the definition of trade. EG. If I buy @market 10 shares of AAPL on the open Monday. Then sell 10 shares of AAPL during the day Tuesday (win or lose), would that be considered two trades or one completed trade? If this is considered two trades then one is effectively limited to a single purchase per week.


f I buy @market 10 shares of AAPL on the open Monday. Then sell 10 shares of AAPL during the day Tuesday (win or lose), would that be considered two trades or one completed trade?
It would be zero because the "D" in "PDT" stands for "Day."
rules that apply to day trading in a Regulation T margin account ...
Executing four or more day trades within five business days = “pattern day trader” ...
a day trade as:
The purchasing and selling or the selling and purchasing of the same
security on the same day in a margin account