Own Minds?


Experienced member
I know, i know, have we got to be subjected to this drivel AGAIN! But hey, why not, it's for the good of you! PT, and V (if you have to have V). Can we not at least paper trade this, people. Make up your 'own minds' about it along the way! Do what you have to do then.......no this aint going to work is it? You can't change can you? You can't see the light for clouds, can you? Undoubtibally you will ignore this thread and ridicule it. But, you only jest in vain as you can not see the simplicity of the market and what it can offer if only you were not being sold down the river at every possible occasion. See the light, see the market! It's not a smooth ride, but at least you will end up seeing the truth. Still not sure? Try it! You may be suprised!

Warning: Trading is not for everybody......wether you like it or not!
Undoubtibally ...no it's an Irishman after 10 pints of Guiness trying to remember which village he lives in !
Chumpy, it seems to me that the wordle you seek to express your idea is as follows:

Indubitablly, meaning not subject to doubt of any sort.

I shall be having more to say about the topic Rudeboy raises in this new thread, later.

Kind Regards,
That's right boys, just stick to spelling! It justifies you being on here, picking out 'the obvious'. This mistake was for all you idiots out there?
Hook.....Line......and i think there's something else that goes with it?
Tw ats, didn't think it looked right, give us a break though, Stella is my 'key' word tonight?
Right! Let me explain women and girls alike! I had a warning the other day about being abusive! I explained that this was to do with the girlie boys on here and the like! But just needed to prove it! I REST MY CASE!
Can we all 'rip' each other? I would go for that! But, the faint hearted say 'non'. Because in this politically correct world of nonsense we live in, which is a world of make believe, the ignorant few have the say, and thats democracy for you! So to end, if you intend on being a fool, don't let the foolish disturb you! Live and die by the sword! If you can not live by the sword, don't draw it! If you can't handle the concept, ignore it. Don't complain as if you have a god given right to disagree with others. That makes you 'arguementitve', and you wouldn't want that if your PC!
Been away for the week .....still nothing changes on here .......if only it were tradable eh !!!!