Money Management = Discipline!


Experienced member
The catagory itself ' Money management ', tells us something about what we are undertaking here, Money! It's a serious business, because if you don't want your money somebody else will want your money. Wether or not you can afford to lose your account should not matter if you are serious about the markets, it should be a matter of self preservation. "Only speculate with money you can afford to lose", or words to that effect the SB companies bandy about, Mmm, are they trying to tell us something, what kind of 'punters' are they trying to attract, if any? Are you into the markets because you can afford to lose? or are you into the markets because you want to make money? If there is one positive about P&V traders, thier minds are not open to the unscrupilous? Anyway, people may say "but what about method", without method 'money management' is a non starter, this may be so, and this is also the logical step! Basic method, price action, no, if not, what is basic method? Money management about price action? It can not be more simplified( if you dont understand the basics you should not use indicators), because the fundamentals of market dynamics and market presevation rely on knowing these basic principles. Even the 'big boys' rely on basic techniques, and probably only rely on these? The thing is, simplicity is the key, but 'money mindedness' overlooks this, IMHO?