Online brokers


Not sure if this is the right place to post this but hope someone can help. I have been using the halifax online share trading web site to buy and sell UK & US shares recently. However I have become very frustrated with their online system. It seems to take hours to notify me if my trade was successful and my account does not get updated immediately after a trade. I am finding it impossible to day trade using this system. Yesterday was the last straw as the system cost me over two thousand pounds profit because I couldn't sell the shares I had bought two hours earlier....the system took about fours hours to show I had actually bought the shares.

I am looking for a good online broker system that will allow me to day trade if I want to. The system must provide up to date information and me to trade quickly and in real time. My account must also be update very quickly. If the system had an iphone and ipad app that would be very useful to me.

I have heard of some American companies, E trade, ameritrade and Charles schwab. Can anyone recommend me some brokers that would fit my needs???
I have heard of some American companies, E trade, ameritrade and Charles schwab. Can anyone recommend me some brokers that would fit my needs???

buying and selling shares to day trade seems a little odd if you don't mind me saying. Not trying to be antagonistic, but the cost would be horrendous, have you thought of alternatives? each trade, as well as 0.5% on top, as well as nominee holding/management charges each month
I trade off shares all the time, but only when I know that I could be making a significant return otherwise its just not worth it..
but that aside and to your question

Interactive brokers..I think £10/transaction might have gone up slightly

all of these allow both US and UK..there are many others, but these may be a good starting point
Your ones I don't believe do UK but I could be wrong

best of luck though