Оne awesome journal


I've decided to make a journal to post my trades.
Hopefully this will help beginners and will discipline me in my trade.
I have been trading on the stock exchange for more than 10 years, and I have a significant experience. My strategy is short-term, I hold the position from several hours to several days. I trade with technical analysis basis.
So starting from Tuesday, I will posting my trades here.
Now I have these position:

Open Date Tiker Pos. Price
9/4/15 GOOG Long 601.40
9/4/15 BAC Long 15.68
9/4/15 GE Short 23.95
9/4/15 IBM Long 143.90
9/4/15 BA Short 129.55
9/4/15 PFE Short 31.22
9/4/15 MSFT Long 42.48
9/4/15 KO Short 38.65
9/4/15 CVX Short 77.00
9/4/15 AA Long 9.52
9/3/15 AAPL Short 110.60
9/2/15 JPM Short 62.42
9/1/15 C Short 51.15
9/1/15 DD Short 50.25
9/1/15 CAT Short 75.20
This is the profit of my transactions for August 2015 (excluding leverage and broker commissions):

Yeld for August, %

Alcoa Inc. (AA) +22.07%
Bank of America (BAC) +10.17%
Boeing Co (BA) + 8.17%
Caterpillar Inc (CAT) +3.18%
Chevron (CVX) -1.38%
Citigroup Inc (C) +9.53%
DuPont (DD) +2.26%
General Eletric (GE) +11.83%
IBM (IBM) +1.31%
JPMorgan Chase&Co (JPM) +13.94%
Coca-Cola co (KO) +7.59%
Microsoft Corp (MSFT) +14.13%
Pfizer Inc (PFE) +2.52%
Apple Inc. (AAPL) +27.00%
Google Inc. (GOOG) +7.91%
Hi Dr, Salix,
Up over 140% in one month - not bad. If you compound that and can repeat it, you'll be stupidly rich in no time at all.

If you're wanting to help beginners, or have a positive reaction from other members, then I recommend you provide some detail about your methodology along with, ideally, annotated charts. Otherwise, it rather looks as if you're just here to blow your own trumpet; something that generally doesn't go down too well!
Hi, Tim
I do not understand why you say 140% in one month.
My deposit is distributed among different stocks.

For example 1/20 of my deposit I trade Caterpillar Inc(CAT)
and I'm really on transactions with CAT has received yields +3.18% in one month

I do not understand why you added the yield of different securities.
Hi, Tim
I do not understand why you say 140% in one month.
My deposit is distributed among different stocks.

For example 1/20 of my deposit I trade Caterpillar Inc(CAT)
and I'm really on transactions with CAT has received yields +3.18% in one month

I do not understand why you added the yield of different securities.

Agree , i was going to point that out myself , you didn't make 140% on your account its understandable ... example : AAPL moved 27% in your favour but that doesn't mean you made 27% gains on your whole account .

It would be better if you make your journal live in real time-ish .
Hi, Tim
I do not understand why you say 140% in one month.
My deposit is distributed among different stocks.

Apologies Dr.Salex - I didn't read your post carefully enough!
That said, my general point still stands: the journal is of little interest to anyone if you don't provide some detail about what you're doing - or trying to do.
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Journals are personal by nature thats why it is the only section in the forum that has the "privacy option" . Sometimes the journal will only benefit the op himself which is more than ok . According to essentials of "Trading Journals" there are different levels :

Journals work at different levels. At their most basic, they are no more than a record or log of trades taken, listing the day and time of the trade, entry and exit prices, long or short, size (i.e. number of shares or contracts etc.), stops and targets, number of points made / lost, commissions and net P&L. From this information, a trader can work out the two most important ratios critical for trading success. The first is the size of the average winning trade Vs the size of the average losing trade, this is called the 'Profit Ratio'. The second is the number of winning trades Vs the number of losing trades, this is called the 'Success Ratio' or win:loss ratio. Traders who are diligent and methodical in maintaining their journal will be rewarded for their efforts by the journal itself. Over time, it will reveal important patterns. These will enable the trader to determine things that would be difficult to discover without the journal, such as the best day of the week or time of day to trade and whether better results are achieved by trading long or short etc.

That’s just the start. Ideally, the trader takes a screen grab of any relevant charts showing where the trade was opened and closed. A picture paints a thousand words and.........

Not to mention that some traders don't use the charts to make their trading decisions . Some may even decide to include unrelated youtube videos - songs , movies - in their trading journals ... etc
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