Need advice regarding FTSE for monday


hi there,

first of all thanks for a brilliant forum.

I have got the idea of spread betting and have made a few quid here and there.

I am with PaddyPowerTrader.

My question relates to what you guys think will happen to FTSE on monday as lloyds and government have agreed the Assett Protection Deal and i can only assume this will push up the banking sector. What advice can you guys give? Will the FTSE go up or down?

Lastly I need to understand how this rolling works. I mean i'm with ADVFN for checking the shares and indices, but at 4:30pm when the market closes, the FTSE continues running on paddy account? How do i know when to bet? Do i bet early morning at 8am or place an order beforehand?

thanks for your help
Damn, missed this, was gonna say the FTSE 100 would finish about 11 points up...ah well...

The SB prices you're seeing are not the real FTSE, they are the firm's quotes for buying/selling the FTSE. So there's no need for them to stop moving prices after 4:30pm, basically folowing what New York does until they close.

Trading news, taking a position in the market ahead of reaction to a news item, is a risky business. You will see a good news story apparently cause prices to drop and a bad news story cause them to rise. Sometimes both happen in rapid succession as the market adjusts to the news and this can be frustrating as e.g. your Buy order is triggered by a spike that lasts a few minutes and then goes negative. Getting into the trend revealed by the market's reaction to news is more rational and lower risk.

If you really must buy ahead of news, you might use either a tight stop or hedge the position with a sell order to get you short if it breaks out the other way. If both positions are triggered, ride them until a firm trend establishes itself then dump the loser.

No need to be in a hurry to make a big win.