Need a good stock trading system


I had been trading in stocks for a while and had been good with them. But recently have been facing a bit trouble from the market and have incurred some losses. I am looking for a system that helps me to judge the right kind of moves in the stock market and prove as a guide to smart investing.

Need your valuable suggestions to find a good one!!!
Re : Need a good stock trading system

Sorry to hear about the losses….but that is a part of the trade….you lose some and you win some…..but I myself use a system that works just fine for me and that is a perfect teacher for in all terms ….there are many out there but I believe on this as I am using it. This is a good ********* system that can make you comfortable in the stock market.


ADDED: Elwis, to join and post something like this makes you look like a spammer. Repeat and you will be banned. If you are not a spammer please feel free to contribute without providing links such as that one. Decision: Banned as he was lying about his location as well
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Both banned. The classic ... ask the question with one id ... and answer it with another.
Well, you know nine, I'm gald you raise this question. I used to have that problem with spam on my site, but I found a way to get rid of it forever.

Spamalotaway. Worked for me!

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