

Senior member
Just been looking at the
site, it has been a while since I last had a peek.
There are a couple of new improvements which may be of use to some people, notably the pre market 'heatmaps'
Very good idea. Which means the LSE will get this in about ten years then.

Good fortune.

Oh, don't bother with the market browser download thing for real time trading. It's 20 minutes (at least) delayed. But they don't tell you this until you download the software.

The pre market heat map is realy good for seeing where the premarket action is.I use it to look for pre market trading oppertunities and also for potential gap plays when the market opens.
I find that if a stock has gaped down over 4% then its probably on bad news and not a good candidate as a gap play.What i look for is a stock over $15 gaping down near to 4% and then play it to close the gap or half close the gap.Mind you in my opinion if you do this on the open the whole play can be quick and you need to be good at your level 2 play to see the end of the move and quick with your direct access orders to profit from everything.If it turns against you it can be real quick and you need to be good on that screen to get out.

Mind you sometimes those plays just close the gap and just keep going in the same direction all day, they are home winners.
I noticed one day last week (Wednesday) I think that ERICY showed up on the pre-market heatmap at +13% and gapped to +25% during play.

The PM Heatmap certainly can provide some positive indicators to profit.

TradeSmart all!!