New Venture:


Hey guys,

As a webdesigner turned trader, I'm trying to create a blog/service for traders by traders which discusses specific tradable opportunities and proven strategies in addition to resources. The prototype is at: Sole Trader

While it's very much in its infancy, I was wondering if anyone was up for contributing to it as it's something that I feel strongly will be of great mutual benefit to both rookie and seasoned traders alike-and, similarly to T2W, a good place to bounce ideas around. Have a peek and see what you think--all feedback is welcome.

Have a good Easter.
Through my website, SoleTrader, I want to share the highly lucrative activity of trading/spread betting the world markets through my own experience (for better and for worse!!) by giving you advice on where to start and how to ultimately make money consistently, whilst avoiding the minefield of pitfalls..

My blog will simply give you the heads-up on what stocks I am trading and why for free, while giving you market commentary and perhaps most crucially of all, tips on how to avoid making crucial beginners' errors.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, this is open to all. I hope this will be a fulfilling online experience and ultimately, as it grows, an online resouce and community for both expert and fledgling traders alike.-- one which is open to your opinions, experiences and feedback, so don't be shy!


Maybe you should edit this to say that you are a beginner on the site instead of leading people on that you have experience. Also, why would anyone want to go to your website when there are at least 4-5 major forums offering tons of strategies!

The financial spreadbetting handbook is free from if you sign up and ask for it. Same with a lot of other basic handbooks - so i'd ignore clicking on the affiliate links to amazon.
Through my website, SoleTrader, I want to share the highly lucrative activity of trading/spread betting the world markets through my own experience (for better and for worse!!) by giving you advice on where to start and how to ultimately make money consistently, whilst avoiding the minefield of pitfalls..
fulfilling online experience and ultimately, as it grows, an online resouce and community
My blog will simply give you the heads-up on what stocks I am trading and why for free, while giving you market commentary and perhaps most crucially of all, tips on how to avoid making crucial beginners' errors.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, this is open to all. I hope this will be a for both expert and fledgling traders alike.-- one which is open to your opinions, experiences and feedback, so don't be shy!


Maybe you should edit this to say that you are a beginner on the site instead of leading people on that you have experience. Also, why would anyone want to go to your website when there are at least 4-5 major forums offering tons of strategies!

The financial spreadbetting handbook is free from if you sign up and ask for it. Same with a lot of other basic handbooks - so i'd ignore clicking on the affiliate links to amazon.

cool, didnt know that about, i'll link to that then instead to amazon...very new to much of this -- know the basic strategies but i'm hoping to have a forum where people list their trades and give people the opportunity to comment / challenge or rate harm in having another website dedicated to trading. the more the better. as i said, my website it very much in its embryonic phases so it's unrealistic for you to simply expect everything like this.
I really don't know why someone would want to sign up to ANOTHER forum after having all these others available. Also with your advert for FAPturbo on the site again, and your misspelling of copyright...

there's a point, t2w have to update theirs.

good luck i guess...
I really don't know why someone would want to sign up to ANOTHER forum after having all these others available. Also with your advert for FAPturbo on the site again, and your misspelling of copyright...

there's a point, t2w have to update theirs.

good luck i guess...

they dont have to sign up to's simply an interactive blog! people are thickle in this day and probably said why would anyone need facebook when friendster and myspace were on the scene (not envisaging the reality!!). I'm no saying that intends to supersede, but it's simply just a little project for me where I can list my trades I'm thinking of placing and for people to give feedback on them and vice not sure whether any other wbsite has a focus on that simple niche? Thanks for the proof reading btw. correctly