MyDoom Email Virus


Is anyone else been affected by this virus this morning? I'm constantly receiving infected emails.

If you have no clue as to what I'm talking about take a look at this link:

I've got Norton Antivirus installed with the latest update file, so I'm protected but I've never had so many infected emails come through before.
I am getting the same.

Must have had at least 20 this morning.

Major attack. Be warned. Probably too late now. :cheesy: I've had none come in....
It's funny, I never get any of this cr*p :LOL:
Where do these boys go to pick these diseases up :?: :cheesy:
I'm filtering 3 Hotmails + my proper account thru Mailwasher. Haven't noticed one yet.
Maybe I deleted without seeing 'em :cheesy:
It's funny, I never get any of this cr*p
Where do these boys go to pick these diseases up

We all know how you pick up the worst diseases!

I haven't been infested either but then I always use "protection" :cheesy: :cheesy:
Do Not OPEN attachments!!!

I just read on www news website that there is a new worm/trojan on the WWW. Its sent via emails, and is propagating through infected computers emails on and on. It enables even the remote usage of your computer, so be aware - I already received around 5 emails with attachments saying

"The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been sent as a binary attachment."

Or something like that, and there is an attachment - I didn't open it, but it matches the description of what I read on today's news.

I have lots of protection, and I do not trade from PC that I use email and internet from, but still it can be unpleasant.. I am not pro in security issues...:cool:

surf save and good trading all!

We have a networked system at home. If my kids' computers pick up a virus ( pretty likely ), can it spread to my machine thru the network ?
That's the one Rezo. Check out Sharky's link.
Make sure your AV is up to date.
I started recieving emails today afternoon - must have got over 20 till now and it keeps coming. Its being sent from fake adresses - at least till now I got no known email. I am well protected, but still it may have been ugly if I opened the attachment - who knows what they got this time. They all come with attachments with subjects like: Test, Server Info, Hi, Hello and so on...
In message its something like "unicode - read the attachment", or "mail delivery mistake"... in brief - dont touch the attachments.

Oh dear too late I`ve already opened it :cry:

The e-mail appeared to be from myself :?:

So maybe it was already in earlier and spreading itself :?:

Any idea how to get it out :?:

I suppose I`m going to have to re format the disc :devilish:
Google search for AVG anti virus software. It's free. download that run it and that should do the trick. Then make sure you keep it up to date.
download Norton AV from and install it, I'd expect it to manage the clean up unless this new virus has Norton killing code in... worth a go before a format anyway.
I've had dozens, and my site mail server seems blocked as well - 'fetch me my number 3 baseball bat, Jeeves' is my current feeling on the subject. I'm running Norton AV pro and glad of it.
For anyone out there congratulating themselves on not having had any infected mail yet, I'd just like to point out that you know you got one IF your AV software stops it - if you've had any amount of email today, and you haven't seen it yet, then the chances are that you not only have it but are helping spread it.
Virus writers are scum, but these attacks wouldn't be anything like as effective if everyone would install and run a decent AV program and keep it up to date.
Oh, ps - I've also got email off myself, also from my wife... the virus is (as usual) copying email addresses from websites etc and pretending to originate from elsewhere.

On there is a free removal tool for fools like me :D

It found the virus in my pc and removed it :cheesy:

will now download free antivirus software, then I will shut the stable door and see if I can find the horse which bolted :rolleyes:

Cheers for all for help