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I am going to start daytrading shortly (UK Shares) and I am on the look out for a datafeed and charting provider (intraday and daily).
I have found some very useful information on the internet and on T2W. I am interested to know whether any of you guys have used MyBroker's (Options Direct) silver or gold services.

Any comments welcome.

Simon 😛
A lot of us use MyTrack ( MyBroker) Silver real time plan. Gives you 20 stocks to monitor.Cheap too. I think it's free? if you open a MyBroker account
Thanks Chartman
Yes their silver service is free, although I think I would need to subcribe to their gold service which costs about 13 quid p.m.

This includes (amongst other things) AIQ and standard intraday charting, which I need. I understand from previous threads that AIQ charting is one of the best?

about £60 pm with the feeds I use

What feeds do you use which increases the cost from £13 to £60???

Wow - just checked my bill & it was actually $57. Even better value ...!
Hi Morris

Before subscribing, did you download the software and use it with delayed prices.

I have just downloaded the software from MyBroker and it all seems very Americanised (not that I dislike the Americans!). Also none of the charting seems to work.

Can you help me?

It used to be free, but now there's a minimum fee (about $4 I think).

Intraday AIQ charts are included in the gold plan, not sure about the others.

IMHO it's well worth it. Also the ability to add features/excahnges as and when required is a plus.
Also if you go the the Chat screen in US market hours, there are people there who will answer all your queries.

Hope this helps.

Hi Morris, thanks for the info....

Can you just confirm what feeds bump up the cost to $57 pm

I have now subscribed to SierraCharts using MyTrack feed (currently delayed until I have opened up an account with MyBroker).

The feed seems to keep freezing up (twice this morning so far). Does anyone experience the same problem with the RT feed, if so I will have to look for another supplier.

Also when charting securities (e.g. PRU-L), particularily on an intraday basis (using candlesticks), I am seeing a lot poor data. This appears to be becuase the chart program picks up the last traded price, so if the reporting of the transaction is delayed and the price subsequently moves higher / lower, then I am b*ggered!

I know you can delete / amend this type of data problem, but I don't wont to waste my time constantly doing that.

Question for expert SierraChart users, is there any way of plotting the mid price rather then the last traded price?

Thanks in advance
Are any of you guys who use Mybroker/MyTrack having any problems with it? I am finding that it is becoming increasingly difficult to log in, and over the last couple of days dropped connections happen every 20 - 30 mins, making it unusable for trading.

Anyone else having the same problem?
I subscribed to myTrack at the beginning of the year after a couple of months of using IB only for my price feed, as I liked the idea of two feeds in case one goes down. However, myTrack cuts me off at least twice a day, and it normally takes a couple of attempts tp connect as well. Not impressed, IB has still not failed me, and that costs nowt.

On advice from TrackData have downloaded and reinstalled the latest version of the s/w. Also told that it doesn't like firewalls ( I run Norton Internet Security) so advised to disable it and just leave the Antivirus on. Now running OK, loads quicker, and no more disconnect problems.


It is very ill advised to use the internet without using a firewall and very much so if you trade online. As an example today alone my firewall has blocked over 50 "high risk" attempts to get into my computer and without a firewall they are in.
It may be that you have a problem with the particular firewall that you are using so try this as it is free to use and is simply excellent. You can download it from:

I have found that it works well with every program that is needed to access the internet.

Good Luck
Thanks Skim and Trader333. Glad to see that you're into "safe surfing"! 🙂

I think the main problem was that the MyBroker s/w had somehow become corrupted as I have been running Norton Internet Security and Antivirus 2003 for sometime without difficulty, so after initially disabling it to get it up and running (I was keen to to cover some short 3475 Feb puts) I re-enabled it again and have no further difficulties.

The Zonelabs link looks interesting - I'll mark it for future reference.
I can confirm I use Symantec Personal Firewall and MyTrack with zero problems. Don't even think about Broadband withou a firewall.....
i agree with skim et al - unthinkable to use broadband without firewall - having seen the number of intruders that attempt to get into a computer connected, particularly with broaadband, but also without broadband and only dialup....