My track EOD futures data?


Active member
Hi folks

I was wondering if any of you experts out there know if its possible to get charts for EOD futures data? I trade Ftse future intraday only, but want to start taking longer term (& v. small!) trades with a spread betting company. I use AIQ with Mytrack feed. FTSE future intraday is LZ, cash index is UKZ-L intraday or UKZ@L for EOD. So is there a ticker for EOD futures ??
The Mytrack tickers are identical on MyTrack for intraday and EOD. Its how the software requests them that is the difference.

As you are using AIQ I suggest you speak to them or search there support boards.

PS its very easy in Sierra and may I suggest much cheaper aswell.

Thanks JonnyT. Now that I've got an account with IB I shall be looking into changing to Sierra charts. Do you know how many days past intraday data it is possible to get with Sierra?
15 days with the MyTrack feed. Years and Years with EOD from MyTrack and the dial-database.

There are folk around here who might be able to fill some holes should you need them filling.
