My Personal Oil trading System

Since, surprisingly, this thread is still going, I'll take the opportunity to say we had three trades today. the first was a 30 pips loss but the other two both brought in 100 pips.

Sadly, Vinson lost their data feed Friday evening which screwed up the signals unless people caught my website post and used our backup FXPro MetaTrader!

So yes, if it can go wrong, it will.
I'm not sure what "PM me " means, but I'm very interested in your system

$149 but i have a discount page for trade2win members - PM me.

Sorry to be so ignorant but would love to get your program at a discount and pay you the difference after I make it back...I can't see oil going much lower for much longer. Thanks
I want to buy the system please just tell me how witht2w and I will do it

Thank youMwarro
Just a quick few words on 10k oil trading system, take everything on his website with a pinch of salt. 10k is absolutely fantastic at providing reasons of why trades don't work after the event but not so good at providing guidance or warnings not to enter trades before it's too late. It's kind of like when you watch the weather at night and they tell you what happened that day. I mean what is the use of that you already know what it did?

Now if 10k could just have the bottle to post theses words of wisdom before you traded it would indeed be a brilliant system, the only reason that I can think of why he doesn't is because he (like everyone else in the world) doesn't have any idea of what the market will do.

Also, I wonder why his member area isn't a blog. It's just a web page where he can trash all of the BS he publishes on a daily basis, when you buy the system you mistakenly check this religiously when a signal appears but no guidance comes so you enter the trade. If it works you get a message saying how wonderful it is, if it doesn't you get a list of reasons why you shouldn't have traded.

This like every other 'system' out there is just a load of trash. Watch out for his reply, should be interesting from this 'King of Excuses'.
I wonder why this is a first post? I suspect because fedup doesn't want to reveal his original username and then I'd know he was a Trade2win discount buyer who asked (and got) a refund for the silliest of reasons. In fact, the refund rate from Trade2win newbie is many times higher than other sales, which is very disappointing. too many people here have unreasonable expectations. My normal refund rate is 6%.

Yes, we have had a very tough time recently, but at least I post the true results. No system and no person can expect to make big profits all the time. Quite frankly, I regret marketing the system because of the responsibility I have to all the users to make money. I'd rather just trade...

OK, here's a couple of mails I got this evening:

John, I joined a couple of weeks ago and I have only been demo trading, but I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your system. I have been doing quite well on the demo account and plan to go live in the next week or so. I just read some of your comments about members blaming you for their trades. I just want to say that I appreicate your system so much and especially appreciate the time you take to help us and give us awareness and guideance. Anyone that blames you for their trades is being ignorant. I don't want to go this totally alone, at least not at first, so any help you provide is much appreciated and welcomed. These are crazy trading times, and I want all of your excellent expertise you care to give. It is my (and every member's) choice and responsibility whether to act on it or not. Long story short, thank you so much for what you do. Please don't let a few numb-skulls ruin it for the rest of us. I love your insight and help. Take care, Randy


great job your site I joined 3 weeks ago first week lost £300 week 2 £400 this Week I HAVE MADE £2500 SO FAR like all things in life you get out what you put in keep mup the good work thanks
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What a surprise! Whenever you critise this sytem, he always brings out the 'look at these e-mails from satisfied customers'. Why oh why can you not listen to criticism and act on it?

This morning 10k's wonderful system produced a sell signal, checked the members area relentlessly before going into the trade but as soon as it went the wrong way and hit the stop loss suddenly a message appears in the member's area recommeding not to trade.

Wht couldn't this bozo post that message before the trade became active, I'll tell you why, because he hasn't a clue of what will happen and if it had worked, a different message would have appeared saying 'look at the easy 100 pip profit we made this morning, aren't I wonderful, etc, etc.'

Your system is rubbish and you are rubbish, either accept it or keep kidding yourself. Why don't you post a few of the messages from disatisfied customers, I'm sure you have hundreds to choose from.

All this dude is up to is trying to make money by selling a system that doesn't work to cover the losses he has obviously experienced by trying to trade it, once you've bought it don't expect any serious support, a message he posted yestereday said he was going out shopping so you should trade at your own risk. He was obviously spending the money he has made from selling the system because you sure can't make any money trading it.
I have never produced e-mails before.

The No Trade was posted 20 minutes before time.

Everyone should trade at their own risk - something you don't understand.

Why are you still checking the Members Area anyway?

Anyone can tell from the tone of fedups mail where he is coming from and this is the last time I'll reply.
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As a point of interest to anyone following this, here is this mornings trade. Oil is basically going sideways and taking this trade was very risky, so a warning was posted. The point being that my advice is just that and people can decide for themselves whether to take it or not. The purpose is to enable new traders to learn to stand on their own two feet and take responsibility for their own trades and to eventually become totally indepent, successful traders.

I do trust John's system although you will find a truckload of green and red indicators these days.I have traded silver before but not crude .It is time to try it.The daily post in the members area is the real value of the deal not the green and red arrows even if it does not have a forum which wouldn't be a bad idea since here the last post was posted 3 months ago and I don't know if anybody will read or reply my post .You can read about the crude trading psychology on :Capital is Scarce .The author is not writing anymore but you can read the 2008 posts.My research in the oil broker business does make me spin .I can't decide if cfd or spread betting is the better. I will open couple demo accounts . Fxcm ,gft,cmc or fxpro,whselfinwest maybe? There are couple listed on John's site also, so there is no shortage of traders willing to take your money.The oil types also have different spreads so even if I am a retail trader it would be good to read something about it. If somebody has the :Oil trading manual I am
willing to trade it with my CTM :cotton trading manual from the same publishing house in pdf.So anybody out there say something about the brent ,light sweet or the oil sand of Canada I don't care.
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Hello 10kLoser,

I have a couple of questions which hopefully you can answer.

1. Is your system purely mechanical or is their a discretionary element to it?

2. Do buyers of your system have to wait for you to "make the call" as to what trades to take or do they follow the signals as presented by your system?

3. What kind of Win/Loss rate are you achieving and what kind of Max Drawdown is being experienced to date?

I am actually one of your customers of the system. I have been using it until mid-Feb when I gave it up.

On the first page you said "Oil is the most traded commodity in the world, yet few non-professional trade it!" But I am afraid it was already long time ago when you said it. Now oil barely moves and your trading record is already showing some red. Perhaps the dead market of oil has already turned your system into a less profitable one.
I am actually one of your customers of the system. I have been using it until mid-Feb when I gave it up.

February was the month when the market was flat .Now is end of march and after some really big moves i think will be again flat for some time .The oil follows the equity markets ,Opec the dollar ( the Israeli ,Iranian politics and the guys in the Nigerian delta).So if there is no data ,news is no volatility. You gave up in the wrong time .I also missed the bus but patience probably will get me on the next one.
The oil follows the equity markets ,Opec the dollar ( the Israeli ,Iranian politics and the guys in the Nigerian delta).So if there is no data ,news is no volatility.

Thanks for the advice. Let's hope oil will rise again soon.
Article on crude trading psychology

Hi Barth,
I couldn't spot the article you refered to. Maybe that I'm late?

I do trust John's system although you will find a truckload of green and red indicators these days.I have traded silver before but not crude .It is time to try it.The daily post in the members area is the real value of the deal not the green and red arrows even if it does not have a forum which wouldn't be a bad idea since here the last post was posted 3 months ago and I don't know if anybody will read or reply my post .You can read about the crude trading psychology on :Capital is Scarce .The author is not writing anymore but you can read the 2008 posts.My research in the oil broker business does make me spin .I can't decide if cfd or spread betting is the better. I will open couple demo accounts . Fxcm ,gft,cmc or fxpro,whselfinwest maybe? There are couple listed on John's site also, so there is no shortage of traders willing to take your money.The oil types also have different spreads so even if I am a retail trader it would be good to read something about it. If somebody has the :Oil trading manual I am
willing to trade it with my CTM :cotton trading manual from the same publishing house in pdf.So anybody out there say something about the brent ,light sweet or the oil sand of Canada I don't care.
for some reason automated trading scares me. it also takes the fun out of trading.

who would want to just hit a button on a computer and then come back at the end of each month to collect their profits?

Ok, put like this i think i can talk myself into it :clap:

Me too , I like the fun of betting red or black
Let me add something.

I haven't seen this system but I can tell you something about it. It's crap, it bo11ocks, it won't work for anyone that buys it. Either this OR the OP is a complete idiot.

That's right. The OP is either dishonest or stupid. All we have to do is figure out which.

Let's say you do have a system that makes money - would you sell it for 150 quid a pop OR would you find capital to leverage it before everyone else finds out about it.

Let's say it doesn't make money - the guy is a con-man.

There is a 3rd possibility. The guy is altruistic and just wants to do something for his fellow traders for 149.99 plus post & packaging....

Perhaps though, the OP will provide trading account statements here to prove he's making $$$...
The OP is either dishonest or stupid. All we have to do is figure out which.

You would hope that neither would be considered as particulary suitable attributes for a T2W forum guide.

But the far bigger issue is that T2W staff are defending this system. They see no issues whatsoever with a forum guide making claims of 100% risk free returns per month. In fact, another forum guide has a system where he's claiming returns of 100% per week, and the same T2W member of staff (Timsk) has defended that forum guide too

Those kinds of returns wouldnt look out of place at a forum dedicated to promoting Ponzi schemes. Makes you think doesnt it
This is blatant advertising by a forum guide.It sucks.Traders who have never advertised anything can be banned for advertising .


Come on oily catch up. This guy's 100% per month risk free system is defended by members of T2W's staff, not unpaid moderators, but members of staff on the T2W payroll.

He's not the only vendor they defend. But at least this one displays a badge.

This sort of stuff wouldnt be tolerated on the very worst of trading sites, but you have to admit, its LULZ of the highest quality, and for that T2W should be congratulated.

Come on oily catch up. This guy's 100% per month risk free system is defended by members of T2W's staff, not unpaid moderators, but members of staff on the T2W payroll.

He's not the only vendor they defend. But at least this one displays a badge.

This sort of stuff wouldnt be tolerated on the very worst of trading sites, but you have to admit, its LULZ of the highest quality, and for that T2W should be congratulated.

There is no art to find the man's construction from his face.He may not be a moderator or could he be one.