MLDownloader now won't download quotes

Yahoo was sold to Verizon and this is the reason MLDownloader no longer can use the free Yahoo Quotes - the new owner will not longer offer this free service because it makes no money, bucks, profits . bang bang.

thx Verizon
stop use Verizon


btw. - Marissa M. got over 180 Million USD from Verizon for her help to distribute Yahoo to Verizon

You can still download historical data from Yahoo both manually and automatically with software that writes to the API correctly - this is where ML downloader fell down because they were unwilling/unable to update it appropriately. HSQuote does this automatically without problem but of course Yahoo no longer provide intraday delayed data automatically. That's not a problem though because it's available from other sources – and I'm very satisfied with the way HSQuote handles this procedure. HSQuote also appears to clean up the data – sometimes a problem with free sources. The technique which works for me is to use after market close, to plan next day's trading. I then use updating 20 minute delayed during the day with HS quote sources, to see whether a planned trade is worth going with. With trades lasting on average up to 10 days this system works well for me. Of course, you can get bang up-to-date data from your broker but I can only use in conjunction with their charting software (haven't got the will to program the API myself) and I like to use my data with Metastock which does all sorts of things that the usual charting software doesn't offer – and the small disadvantage of using 20 minute delayed data is outweighed by the charting benefits of meta-stock.
Yahoo shot down API for free download quotes - Link

You can still download historical data from Yahoo both manually and automatically with software that writes to the API correctly - this is where ML downloader fell down because they were unwilling/unable to update it appropriately. HSQuote does this automatically without problem but of course Yahoo no longer provide intraday delayed data automatically. That's not a problem though because it's available from other sources – and I'm very satisfied with the way HSQuote handles this procedure. HSQuote also appears to clean up the data – sometimes a problem with free sources. The technique which works for me is to use after market close, to plan next day's trading. I then use updating 20 minute delayed during the day with HS quote sources, to see whether a planned trade is worth going with. With trades lasting on average up to 10 days this system works well for me. Of course, you can get bang up-to-date data from your broker but I can only use in conjunction with their charting software (haven't got the will to program the API myself) and I like to use my data with Metastock which does all sorts of things that the usual charting software doesn't offer – and the small disadvantage of using 20 minute delayed data is outweighed by the charting benefits of meta-stock.

NO - I think you are wrong.

I believe the existing Services like EZQuote, HSQuote have a paid account for quotes and use their own servers to distribute to their customers.
NO - I think you are wrong.

I believe the existing Services like EZQuote, HSQuote have a paid account for quotes and use their own servers to distribute to their customers.

That's interesting! I see that the webpage you quote is dated 2018 – last time I looked a month or 2 ago that didn't exist, so maybe they have now updated their software. Not before time I must say, because they were selling ML downloader for a long period when it didn't work. Thanks for your input.

Just checked the webpage again and it does seem rather strange: a full explanation of how to use ML downloader but you can't actually buy it or download it from their site (as far as I can tell). Also, using the latest version I have installed and "checking for updates" it tells me that I'm using the latest update – which of course doesn't work because it's linked to Google/Yahoo. So I'm now rather confused as to whether ML downloader available. But no problem – I've got alternative software that works perfectly so why would I bother with ML downloader any more?
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Yahoo stopped their free api service on Nov 1st, 2017 but they have reintroduced it in 2018, albeit through a json api.
You may use the Excel AddIn Deriscope to get real time quotes plus historical data from several different providers, including Yahoo. Several of these quotes come without time delay!