mini indices


Junior member
As a relatively new trader, my curiosity has recently been aroused by the 'mini' indices.
I have been trying to get a bit of background on them.
The chicago mercantile exchange has a few interesting bits on the S&P500 and Nasdaq100, plus a few others.
In case any one else is interested heres a taster.
The intro reads:

e-mini NASDAQ-100
"The U.S. economy is being transformed by exciting technological changes and advancements in science and industry. Many of the leading companies involved in this process are a part of the NASDAQ-100 Index®. CME offers an E-mini version of the NASDAQ-100 futures at one-fifth the size of the original NASDAQ-100 futures, making these exciting contracts affordable for all investors."

"The E-mini S&P 500 futures and options on futures from Chicago Mercantile Exchange are small but powerful contracts for the individual investor. These contracts are based on the same leading S&P 500 index as the most actively traded stock index contract in the world S&P 500 futures but are a fraction of the size. The mini enables you to participate in and profit from the benchmark index tracked by pension and mutual funds around the country."

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