MFI and AD together?


Junior member
Is it redundant to use MFI (money flow index) and AD (accumulation/distribution) in conjuction with one another, or do they complement each other quite well? I am having trouble wrapping this around my head on my own and I would appreciate anyone else's viewpoint.

I think that they would work well together, but I could very easily be over-looking a basic component of their makeup without really noticing it.


Did you hear about the Tesco and MFI merger ?

Yeah I bought a chicken from them the other day and the legs fell off...... ! :confused:
Mfi and other indicators

I think you would get more value out of indicators which look at this from another angle. I have been looking into rsi 5 day and mfi 5 day for a short term system.

jmiles301 said:
Is it redundant to use MFI (money flow index) and AD (accumulation/distribution) in conjuction with one another, or do they complement each other quite well? I am having trouble wrapping this around my head on my own and I would appreciate anyone else's viewpoint.

I think that they would work well together, but I could very easily be over-looking a basic component of their makeup without really noticing it.


mfi and rsi are essentially the same, except that mfi takes volume into account. that is why i have chosen to use the a/d line, which ultimately does provide a different angle.