MACCI Turning points


Hello All,

I have been thinking in great depth about what it is when talking about coding the turning points of the MACCI,

It doesn’t appear to be sufficient to just say where X crosses below Y on a down trend, simply because,

a) You don’t know where the MACCI is in relatation to the O/B or O/S range

b) Isn’t it better to predict a slow down in the rate of change approaching 0 as apposed to spoting after the turning point has happened, remember we all want to be the first guys in not following the herd?

This makes me think there must be a way of coding up the turning points for a long by saying,

a) Where the MACCI rate of change is approaching 0
b) Where the MACCI is above the +80 range O/B

Further issues for thought,

This again does not mean the down trend will be a strong one, for example the MACCI might slowly start going down then slowly start going back up


If anybody has thought about coding the turning points for the MACCI I would be interested to see how they got on,

Many thanks,

Warm Regards,

Mindset (James)
Just looking at your chart and you seem to have a different Macci than we have used. Are you using the code that was made available on here ?

Macci code

Hello Trader333,

Thank you for replying to my post, certainly I have read hundreds of posts on the TT forum and there is a massive selection of ELAs to be used and downloaded. I must admit I am somewhat confused with which MACCI indicator to use for Irajs US Diversification method?

As you can see I was originally using the CCIMA or MACCI from the trade station indicator list, I tried to download Irajs MACCI-Daily indicator but that as you can see on my chart did not produce a MACCI looking chart?

I also used the MACCI_TM indicator which looked like a slightly refined MACCI but that is probably because it’s using 6 and 5 not 14 and 9 for the MACCI.

I must admit I would be very grateful for the correct MACCI indicator to use for Irajs strategy so I can watch with more accuracy, knowing at least I am using the correct tools.

I have also been made away from Pete that there is a better indicator around called FTTS or something I think it uses VWAP as well, if anybody has this code I would be grateful.

I am using TS 8.6, thanks guys.


I have set my MACCI to the one in the picture below, I believe this to be the correct setting, however if not I would appreciate yours or anybody elses feedback on what the correct set up for MACCI using Irajs US Equity Strategy,


Just looking at your chart and you seem to have a different Macci than we have used. Are you using the code that was made available on here ?

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This is the 'MACCI' I use. Grey1 (Iraj) provided it.


Inputs: Length1(6), Length2(5);
Vars:CCIval(0),CCIavg(0),Name(GetSymbolName + NumToStr(BarInterval,0));

CCIval = CCI(Length1);
CCIavg = average(CCIval, Length2);

value1 = GVSetNamedFloat(Name,CCIavg);

Plot1 (CCIavg,"CCI Avg",black,white);

if lastbaronchart then print(getsymbolname," ",Name);

Lol Steve. I was about to post code in the Toolbox and checked first to see if anyone had replied to Mindset. No-one had, so I posted the code. You must have posted at the same time.
Lol Steve. I was about to post code in the Toolbox and checked first to see if anyone had replied to Mindset. No-one had, so I posted the code. You must have posted at the same time.

hehe Glenn; better twice than nothing at all!