Looks good...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Riz
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Congratulations Rizgar, the first post of the first thread on the new BB.

And the paint isn't even dry yet, in fact I've still got half the painting to do!

Pigsy..........Congratulations for this upgraded BB. I trust your efforts will be rewarded in some tangible way either directly or indirectly, and to all fellow subscribers keep up the good work and let us grow from strength to strength.

[Edited by Uncle on 15-01-2001 at 10:17 AM]
Noticed on the list of members that "pigsy" appears three
times. I figured no ONE person could do such a terrific job
as this new BB. As always, the measure is in the delivery not the promises; go to the top of the pile pigsy. Great stuff; I think we all owe you a liquid measure of your choice.

Thanks Again Everyone

Thanks everyone for the positive feedback for the new site, and in particular I want to thank Iraj for his valuable support. It's much appreciated!

I'd also like to thank the rest of the team behind the new trade2win site (Dayraider, IceMan, Skim, Jazz, MX, Chartman, & Gusto). You've done a brilliant job, and I'm looking forward to the coming year and watching the site and it's members prosper.

We've got a couple of new forums - US Trading and System Trading, and best of all we've got a great chat room, with informed discussion and the odd lousy jokes going on throughout the day and into the evening.

We'll soon be adding a feedback forum so you let rip as to what you like and dislike about the site.

So expect some great things over the coming months, and I hope 2001 will prove to be rewarding for all of us.


ps. Ed. Well spotted, will the real Pigsy please stand forward!! (I think you've spotted our first bug!)
It was a long night..

Martin finsihed putting the final touches about 3:00ish, so im on autopilot today. 🙂

And there hasn't been much time to test the site and new bb, so if anoyone does see anything weird going on, let me know!
Well done Pigsy and everyone,brilliant new site,excellent colour scheme,well done. The very best of luck and good fortune in all your endeavours.


Well what can one say except dont go to the USA for 5 weeks and expect things to be as normal on return!! Wow etc! Good job gentlemen and Pigsy! I'm still gobsmacked.
'The Donkeys Knob'

Bloody Marvellous - Well done Pigsy and team.

You only get out what you put in and I hope you all so deservedly prosper from your input.

Good Luck

Re: It was a long night..

Hi Pigsy,

I can't open threads...the threads colomun is blank, no thread titles are written to click open...I only managed to come here using the thread I received by e-mail..

Can you please let me know how to open the threads?


Pigsy and team - what a magnificant job you've done. May I congratulate you on all your work. May your wallets grow heavier each day that passes!!
I'd like to add my congratulations to the list plus great colour scheme ... very restful on the old tired eyes.
Thanks .

Looks like new members start off by commenting on the new website....

It looks good! Although I don't see myself giving up the E*Trade BB, this one looks like it might make a refreshing change.

Good luck!