Looking to develop fantasy trading platform.



Im a beginner to trading but the numbers, playing at the market, taking the chance, it all interests me.
But alas I dont have enough disposable income to be able toreally get into the markets.

Im also a programmer and looking for projects to do, and looking around for fantasy/virtual trading to sort of get some action ive found few, and those few are either from brokerages or big names like Yahoo.

I am going to be continuously trying to improve my knowledge of trading and thestock market and I have a proposition for anyone who is interested. I would like to develop an easily accesible independant online fantasy trading game. I am completely capable of building the functionality of the game what I am lacking though is the knowledge of the stock market and actual trading platforms to create an as true-to-life game as possible which is whata fantasy trading game needs to be to fulfil its purpose. Also I dont know where to source live feeds (or the 15-minute delay) which will be needed to have a realtime game.
Ill be making this in php.

If anyone is interested drop me a PM with any questions.

...It's called a demo account. Or did I miss something?
Yeah i know most brokerages offer demo accounts etc. but my eventual goal with this project will be to create a feature rich all-in-one type application either online or as a downloadable application. I just feel with the few ive tried theyre awkward to use and lacking some things. Like integrated graphs, clear stock prices on quotes, features for keeping track of stocks. Some have these some dont the point is i havnt seen one with it all and that is what im looking to develop.
Actually no, i thought i had but im just having a look at it now, does seem extremely comprehensive, a very good site.
The offer still stands though, its more an exercise in my own skills and to build something to put in my portfolio (career not stocks :p) and as im interested in trading but still very much a beginner i thought it would be a great way to get to grips with the mechanics of trading at least. Im putting my feelers out to see if there were any traders/brokers who were interested in doing a fantasy game who i could work with, mutual goals n all that :)