Looking for partnership


I'm looking for traders for partnership in developing trading strategies using backtesting and automated frameworks. I have 10+ years experience in developing market data systems, automated frameworks, trading strategy development, and backtesting framework.
Gave the written test at Quantres. Scored 85. They need 90+. Need to brush my skills. Hoodoo Man, thanks for the link.
Gave the written test at Quantres. Scored 85. They need 90+. Need to brush my skills. Hoodoo Man, thanks for the link.

No problem chilibiscuit - good to see some real professionals on here and always a pleasure to have a civilised interaction. All the best in your future endeavours.
This thread completely surprised me... I wish I could +1 it, so instead I'm bumping it in case anybody else might be interested in pairing with this guy.