Looking for a faster trading front


Well-known member
Been using TradeStation for daily bar trading and it's been great but now I'd like to scalp intraday movements and when the market is fast the program tends to freeze up some. My fills take too long to complete even in high volume situations. I was considering moving to Zenfire with Ninjatrader. Can anyone give me a heads up as to whether or not it will be better for tick charts and 15 second charts? I trade Nasdaq stocks exclusively.

Been using TradeStation for daily bar trading and it's been great but now I'd like to scalp intraday movements and when the market is fast the program tends to freeze up some. My fills take too long to complete even in high volume situations. I was considering moving to Zenfire with Ninjatrader. Can anyone give me a heads up as to whether or not it will be better for tick charts and 15 second charts? I trade Nasdaq stocks exclusively.


I'm assuming you aren't talking about slippage.
If slippage is the issue, then that is to be expected in fast high volume situations.

If you are talking about platform execution speed, then that is something else
Check your TS logs for pending order and accepted order (those are the ninja
message names, I don't know the specifics for TS).
Pending order is platform order message to broker server.
Accepted order is broker server replying that order has been filled.

Basically if there is a delay between signal trigger and pending order submission,
then that is a platform problem.
A delay between pending and accepted is due to slippage, i.e fill speed.
Personally, I avoid placing orders at those times for this very reason.

Defrag your hard drive as a start, the price feed data can slow the platform down
if it is being written to a badly fragmented drive.
TT and CQG are much better than Ninja.
Depending on what you are doing , particularly scalping, thats a fair comment.
TT especially so.
NT suits what I do, 1-2 trades per day, usually with a few hours holding average.
Also, just a reminder you should not be downloading or streaming music/videos while trading. That will kill the platform performance too.

Here are 2 options:
Online Stock, Options and Futures Trading | Lightspeed Trading --> you need to open an account with them but they have a 14 day free demo trial.

Trading Platforms, Global Network, and Regulation Services: Sterling Trader --> Might be difficult find a retail broker using this platform. Lot of prop firms use them. I have used this myself when i was at a prop firm. With a doubt, hands down, no contest, the best platform I have traded with.

Also, just a reminder you should not be downloading or streaming music/videos while trading. That will kill the platform performance too.

Best to have a dedicated computer for anything intensive.
Also the net connection may be causing the problem as well.
Appreciate all the good info here. Broker fills are slow and my fiber fed pc is only for trading. I'm going to be using a dynamic entry algorithm that is pretty simple. Any modifiable platform should be able to run it after I code it in whatever language is required by the platform. I'll be looking into the systems you guys suggested.

Thanks so much!!!
As a follow-up. Have a Lightspeed account. Fast execution and stable front end. The charts are simple but clear enough to look at. The order entry is clumsy with a mouse but hot keys are easily used. I am using the chart of the front end and a custom programmed order entry system that automates almost everything for me. So far so good. I'll be scalping the /ES and having a great time.


PS: I couldn't have moved forward as fast as I've been without great help like I've received from all of you. Thanks for extending my confidence and helping to push myself to DO instead of just TRY.
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