Live Room

Good morning all. Apologies for the delay in responding to all the various posts. Just to get back to all the comments, it was a shame that we lost Ian. I should note though that Ian's preference was always as an analyst. His new role sees him focus on analysis rather than trading, and so he decided that the new role was more inkeeping with his interests. As one of the previous posters mentioned though, we are always on the lookout for talented new traders, and I think that Maxine has been able to slip into the role well since Ian's departure.

Speaking of Maxine, she does indeed have a track record. Details of her performance can be found here: Forex Performance | Trader Management. The page offers break downs by trader and currency pair, and also monthly and cumulative gains. What I would say Alfiemal is that it is worth bearing in mind that even Maxine is likely to have a few down days! Hopefully some of you chaps caught her on CNBC last Monday discussing movements in EURUSD, but she will be appearing again a little later in the month for those who missed her first appearance.

As always chaps, any questions let me know. I will try and keep an eye on this thread and respond when I can. Thank you for all the positive comments, and if anyone does have any criticisms, do me know.
Hi Chris i noticed the TMC a while back, i noticed today that you have changed the fx traders cant remember the names miguel, julian etc but now it is only maxine and francis hunt, what is the reason for this as the performance of the others looked decent? Cheers
am i missing something here ?

I am virtually banned and this stuff is still being allowed and posted on T2W ?

no offence to the people here on this thread but my patience with T2W is wearing very very thin.....

Good afternoon NVP,
I'm sorry you feel that way. That said, I wanted to stress that neither I nor anyone at TMC had any involvement in starting the thread. It was simply brought to my attention a little while back, and I wanted to give those discussing the service the facts; good and bad; about the company.

As I've stressed from the outset, it is our goal to be as open and honest in what we do as possible, and I like to think that if someone has chosen to start a thread on TMC, it's because they have some questions or comments regarding the company which they expect to be answered. As one of the company's directors, I like to make every effort I can to ensure that any questions, comments and concerns that people may have are addressed, whilst also sharing my thoughts on the live trading room industry in general.

Again, I'm sorry if my presence here has caused you offence NVP; that was not my intention.

Hi Chris,
The 2 new traders Maxime & Francis who it appears from your site have replaced the old set of traders, am i right in saying that Maxime is short term daytrades and Francis takes longer term? How many trades approximately per day or week will you expect the traders to take?
If Francis takes longer term positions is there any way of getting them by email alerts aswell as in the live room?