Life Arbitrage

Why do they do food metric and roads imperial?

Too many stupid people...look how many struggle with Lb's/kilo

now imagine them behind the wheel of a car trying to figure out if they are doing the right speed and how far it is to Dudley wjen the large bit on their speedo is in MPH and the signs/limits are in KMH....CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok here's one. Personal shopping. Get paid to be a personal shopper for little day to day stuff. Not only do you earn the carry for your troubles, you make sure you get a loyalty card in absolutely every store you use - boots, nectar card etc. So you get all the points, all those little money off vouchers from boots etc. Not a pure arb - more like a carry trade. So I guess if you pay someone to do the personal shopping and you merely facilitate, THAT is an arb.

Like it? Smacks of an actual business idea to me.....
Food packaging is temporary and can be relabelled quite easily. As such, the evil empire that operates out of Brussels has forced us to adopt metric for food. But road signs last many years, we'll never change those. Having said that, I think imperial is a silly system of no logic, and life would be much easier in metric. A cricket wicket is 22 yards long, which is a chain. 10 chains make a furlong and 8 furlongs make a mile. What a load of nonsense!
lol. I dont undestand how the system developed. Even romans are kind of metric. the indians and arabs were metric too back in the old days.

I do wish we'd go back to humorous sounding currency denominations though. Shilling, guinea etc. Can you imagine working forex in those days lol.
Nah, more an engineer's trick to prove a point, with the slight problem of extreme wear on the car. But that doesn't matter if it's a hire car; indeed it it almost expected that one drives a hire car like a ****. Tragedy of the commons and all that...

Essentially any modern manual gear box has little clutches inside it which remove the requirement to syncrhonise revs when changing gear (this the reason that only nerds like me rev match) and also no requirement to double declutch or similar for the same reason.

So in theory you can set off using these instead of the actual clutch.

Going back to the subject of the thread, betfair have been kind enough to send me £10 to spend on their arcade, presumably because they assume I'm a gambling addict, so I intend to do this right about now.

I know it maybe makes me less of a real man, but I haven't got the first bloody clue what you're on about. Personally, when I need to change gear, I ease off the accelerator, on with the clutch, change, off clutch, back on the gas. Anything else would smack of showing off to me.

There might be a more butch, manly, "I know how to really do this" way but never learned it.

I do tend to drive a bit fast round town (with concomitant tendancy to guzzle gas though). In the streetvan I become archetypal white van man. Sorry. Just the way it works. The Golf Transporters are actually pretty ok to drive.
I know it maybe makes me less of a real man, but I haven't got the first bloody clue what you're on about. Personally, when I need to change gear, I ease off the accelerator, on with the clutch, change, off clutch, back on the gas. Anything else would smack of showing off to me.

There might be a more butch, manly, "I know how to really do this" way but never learned it.

I do tend to drive a bit fast round town (with concomitant tendancy to guzzle gas though). In the streetvan I become archetypal white van man. Sorry. Just the way it works. The Golf Transporters are actually pretty ok to drive.

Before the syncchromesh you couldn't change gear like that.

And even with the synchromesh, it shows more mechanical sympathy to match revs, and when you are seriously pushing on it's also essential to keep control, at least in some cars... you wouldn't want to downchange from 5th to 2nd in a TVR while on a wet corner without bringing the engine up to speed...
i wouldn't want to be in a TVR on a wet corner being honest. let along ramming it into 2nd gear.
I wouldn't wanna change down from 5th to 2nd unless the car had slown down a lot. And anyway, I have 6th so I might even be all the way up there.
Try being in a Honda S2000 going round a roundabout when it VTEC's and you do a 270-degree spin across two lanes... TVRs are for gays.
if you go to a whore with hiv you can get a discounted rate then hedge your risk with a jonny
Since T2W is full of toss these days, I thought I might go for something slightly different to 'look at me everyone I made 2,000,000% on one trade love me', or 'why am I not a millionaire yet', and ask you all to give examples of scenarios in life where you can get something for nothing... for example:

On the McDonalds breakfast menu, a Sausage and Egg McMuffin costs £1.99. A Big Breakfast without the coffee also costs £1.99, for which you get two pieces of muffin, some scrambled egg, a sausage patty and a hash brown. From this you can construct your own McMuffin, and have a hash brown on the side, which you could then sell to someone for less than the market rate, locking in your profit.


Don't mcmuffins have some kind of processed cheese in them isn't this a kind of hash brown - cheese slice swap...?
The real question is why don't they sell McMuffins all day long, I have had a massive craving for one since starting this thread
They do in Hong Kong. It was my favourite thing about it when I worked there.

When I was in New Zealand a few years back they did something called a 'Mac Attack' - Two big macs, large fries and a drink (chocolate milkshake, natch). Combine that with an apple turnover once a day for two weeks on a rugby tour, and you come back a stone heavier and a lot less attractive to your girlfriend. Winner.