Sometimes you have to get in bed with B******s to try and kick the even Bigger B*******S out.
If the US hadn't helped AFGHANISTAN (not the Taliban as such) then USSR would have taken over, then Pakistan next, then India..........
If the US hadn't helped Saddam in the 80's the Fundamentalist terror would have started years earlier than it did.
You may have noticed that the US hasn't chosen to bomb countries that act as normal standards dictate - it certainly has the capability to do so.
I notice you never mentioned Bosnia, which the European Union ask the US to bomb on it's behalf.
You need to look at the bigger picture.
I trust your son hasn't got a Soviet name, and your family don't join bread queues each morning? You can thank ONLY the USA for that!
If you had to befriend and help a right evil B*****d in order to protect your family, I suggest you would do so. Any decent person would.
PS. There wouldn't be much use for this site if the USSR had not been prevented taking over, BY THE USA.