maybe the management should nt be so quick to ban the more colourful, which can also usually be the more experienced traders and members
sure the more colourful often may have something extra to say, and sometimes off the status quo, but trading is stressful - and this is nt a fishing forum
if by banning certain members that also bring there knowledge and experience - then there wont but much intermediate to advanced knowledge to be gained here, just mostly newbies and the residents hanging out, so it may seem abit dull at times
and then the likes of FF and Fx TSD and elite will be come more appealing as they offer something different, especially for the more advanced traders
im sure the management more or less know what they are doing, but does nt mean they cant use ideas from other forums especially with banning and reprimanding
moderators should nt be let to feel like power gods, threatening bans on a whim (as we’ve all seen)
there must be a strict structure and 2 or 3 strikes and 2 wk ban etc and then out
not 2 strikes and your out, never to be seen again
after all its not just information traders are always looking for,
it seems alot of us want alittle entertainment in between sometimes very boring trading - but with the controversy of some members usually a fair bit of entertainment
anyhow just a thought
but if you wish to ban me... no problem, there are other forums