Is think book just tosh?


Active member
I've read about 40 pages of 'Reding Price Charts Bar by Bar'.Its the most tedious thing I have ever had the misfortune to come across.

Is this guy the real deal? The whole book is focused on the 1 min and 5 min t/f which concerns me. I only trade 1hr+.

Is this book worth continuing with?
I completely agree, it is very heavy going. Some parts are very poorly explained, the author jumps around a lot and some paragraphs don't even make sense.

That said, I stuck with it over many many weeks. And I did manage to get a couple of ideas that I still use in my trading today.

I'd say keep plugging away, but it's not the sort of book you'd want to take away on holiday.
if it's soft enough for your precious cheeks, the best thing for it is to use it to wipe your ..............
Good trading is often very tedious.

I spent about 10-12 hours a day watching charts, probably trading 2-10 times a week. Most want action like they're in some Hollywood movie about Wall Street but for the majority it's not like that at all, like I said it can be very tedious.

Summary: For many traders it's not about action at all, it's about sitting in your chair watching and waiting.......
I think Al Brooks has another version of the book coming out. In the new one I think he's written the book in more than 1 sentence.

Al Brooks has a trading room and 1 week free trial. Best thing to do is take a look. One of the things that will make you a better trader is having a strong opinion on how things work. Al seems to have that so he trades with conviction. It doesn't mean he's always certain. There's always some degree of uncertainty but he knows what he wants to see, he knows when it's not clear to him & he know when to place trades in a consistent manner. Regardless of what he teaches/writes - this might be the factor to him being a success (if indeed he is) and it might be the reason why someone else (without this) fails with whats in his book. If indeed - they can fathom out what they hell he's trying to say.

I had a peek in his room one day. On that day, his read was totally wrong but it was a tricky day to be honest. I think there are better traders out there.
I completely agree, it is very heavy going. Some parts are very poorly explained, the author jumps around a lot and some paragraphs don't even make sense.

That said, I stuck with it over many many weeks. And I did manage to get a couple of ideas that I still use in my trading today.

I'd say keep plugging away, but it's not the sort of book you'd want to take away on holiday.

Bizarelly - I actually read this on the beach in Hua Hin...
yes, but at least it's naked group chess with a dozen fit young bar-girls (or in DT's case, ladyboys) several jars of body lube and a pair of handcuffs
