is the FTSE 100 index measured correctly?


Active member
i know the FTSE index company measures the index but has anyone ever thought whether this is accurate/correctly calculated? do they publish the working out of each and every share after each trading day or something?

Because if they don't, an individual staff workinh there could change an input value and thus affect the overall value. Say, they spread bet FTSE 100 up 50 points today, then they can make slight tweaks....thus open up to fraud.

i know the FTSE index company measures the index but has anyone ever thought whether this is accurate/correctly calculated? do they publish the working out of each and every share after each trading day or something?
1) Yes & I have verified it by creating a real-time FTSE calculator based around taking the bids and ask prices in order to work out the width of the arbitrage window.
2) Index weighting are freely available and in the public domain.

Thus your second paragraph is redundent.
I am confident it is worked out correctly but what can be misleading is the variations in key prices, especially the Open, as portrayed by various secondary sources.