Is it Worth it?


I did some work experience with a fund manager for a month who I got along with (or I hope it was that way). He told me that they were looking for a quant trader & that he would be happy to recommend me after my degree (& Msc) but a Phd is generally required! Is it really worth it? I always knew it would come to this. I don't want to spend 7 more years in education.
It would be institutional. Don't get me wrong in that I am ungrateful because it is an absolute golden oppourtunity. I have also been encouraged to go for a quantitive side of financials by people more experienced than me. But I am really not Phd material. Do you have experience in the quantitive analytical side of funds? Is a Phd the normal qualification? I would be looking to progress into a hedge fund after preliminary experience.
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personally no-i work alot with the quant guys and it is a standard thing-certainly in fund management
Most of the quants I work with are French too, their universities specialise in this area - so worth considering if you do take that step. Otherwise put on a fake accent in your interview!!
Against my own will I was made to learn french so I am sure I can still pull it out of the bag but why on god's earth a quant firm would employ a surrender monkey to go into battle everyday is beyond me. The one's that I met seemed all to look like Moby & wear lab coats.