Is 25 Points a T2W Dow record anybody ?


Iv Just been looking at the results of the Dow competition and see that the winner Silkenmask has amassed 25 points. 5 points for being correct on each of four consecutive weeks and another 5 for being closest on this last occasion.

Silkenmask , if your happen to read this then i want to say congratulations for both winning the Dow competition, this time around and for giving, what for me was a very impressive performance of 25 Points.

I was wondering is 25 Points a T2W record or is there some one who has managed to get an even higher score than this in the past. ?
Hi Gentle and thank you.

I'm still relatively new to T2W so i'm afraid I can't answer your question if 25 points is a record 😱) all I can say is i'm pleased with the result and that the study of charts is paying off !!!!

whether its luck im still uncertain as with most analysis results, a lot can be ruined by human emotion, or is that your analysis can go down the toilet due to human emotion !!! lol I find Chess similar. work on at what your seeing and if your lucky you may be able to work out what your opponent will do next !!!

Don't you just love the thrill when your right !!! there again its a s**t when your wrong !!! then its back to the board and start all over again lol

Anyone for a game of chess? lol
Game On

Iv not played chess for a while Silken, but I think I can remember how the Peices move and something about the Ruy Lopez & Nimzo Indian if your up for it
I never refuse a challenge

GentleTrap said:
Iv not played chess for a while Silken, but I think I can remember how the Peices move and something about the Ruy Lopez & Nimzo Indian if your up for it

I look forward to a game gentle... Name the time and place and I will let you know if I am able to play. If you can think and talk at same time will be a relaxing way of discussing TA as i try and take your queen !!! lol
SilkenMask said:
I look forward to a game gentle... Name the time and place and I will let you know if I am able to play. If you can think and talk at same time will be a relaxing way of discussing TA as i try and take your queen !!! lol
Think and talk at the same time, OMG your asking a lot from a simple male brain, but ill do my best,
Congratulations SilkenMask, 25 points is a fantastic score and your prize book will be with you shortly.

As for GentleTrap's question about the points record. Having looked at the historical stats, the highest score ever was 30 points by Bullish Bear (with two weeks of 5 points and two of 10 points!). SilkenMask is in joint second place with 25 points, along with dstone and twiggytwo
Congratulations Bullish Bear on being Top dog , No pun intended. 30 Points is quite astounding and I suspect will stand as a T2W record for some time to come.
Congratulations to Bullish Bear, I think you will hold the record for a very very long time with your 30 points Best Regards
For those of you who are wondering what became of the chess challenge , heres the game. We both enjoyed it and hope all you chess players do as well.

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
;White: silkenmask
;Black: gentletrap
;Date: Sun Dec 12 23:50:38 GMT 2004

1. d2-d4 g8-f6
2. c2-c4 e7-e6
3. g1-f3 d7-d5
4. e2-e3 f8-b4+
5. c1-d2 b8-a6
6. c4-c5 a8-b8
7. f3-e5 b4xd2+
8. b1xd2 f6-d7
9. f1xa6 d7xe5
10. d4xe5 b7xa6
11. d1-a4+ d8-d7
12. c5-c6 d7-e7
13. a4-d4 o-o
14. o-o f7-f6
15. d2-f3 b8-b4
16. d4-d2 b4-e4
17. e5xf6 f8xf6
18. f3-g5 e4-c4
19. a1-c1 e7-b4
20. d2-e2 c4xc1
21. f1xc1 f6-f5
22. f2-f4 b4-b6
23. e2-f2 e6-e5
24. g2-g3 e5xf4
25. e3xf4 h7-h6
26. g5-f3 f5-f6
27. c1-c3 c8-f5
28. f3-d4 f5-e4
29. c3-b3 b6-c5
30. f2-e3 g8-h7
31. a2-a3 h6-h5
32. h2-h4 c5-f8
33. e3-e2 h7-g6
34. b3-b4 f8-c5
35. f4-f5+ e4xf5
36. e2-e3 f5-e4
37. e3-g5+ g6-f7
38. g5xh5+ f6-g6
39. g1-h2 a6-a5
40. b4-a4 c5-c1
41. d4-f3 c1xb2+
42. h2-h3 b2-f2
43. f3-g5+ f7-f6
44. g5-h7+ f6-f7
45. h7-g5+ f7-g8
46. g5xe4 d5xe4
47. h5xg6 f2-f1+
48. h3-g4 f1-d1+
49. g4-f4 d1xa4
50. g6-e8+ g8-h7
51. e8-h5+ h7-g8
52. h5-d5+ g8-h8
53. d5-d8+ h8-h7
54. d8xc7 a4xa3
55. f4xe4 a3-c3
56. c7-d6 a5-a4
57. h4-h5 a4-a3
58. c6-c7 c3-c2+
59. e4-f3 a3-a2
60. d6-e5 c2-c6+
61. f3-f4 c6-c1+
62. f4-g4 c1-d1+
63. g4-g5 d1-c1+
64. g5-h4 c1-c2
65. e5-a5 c2-e4+
66. g3-g4 e4-h1+
67. h4-g5 h1-c1+
68. g5-f5 c1-c2+
69. f5-e6 c2-c4+
70. e6-e7 h7-h6
71. a5-d2+ h6-h7
72. d2-a5 h7-h6
73. e7-d6 c4-d3+
74. d6-c5 d3-d7
75. a5-a6+ h6-g5
76. c7-c8 d7xc8+
77. a6xc8 a2-a1
78. c8-d7 g5-h4
79. c5-b5 a1-b2+
80. b5-a5 b2-a3+
81. a5-b5 a3-b3+
82. b5-c5 b3-b2
83. d7-f5 a7-a5
84. f5-f4 b2-b4+
85. f4xb4 a5xb4
86. c5xb4 h4xg4
87. b4-c5 g4xh5
88. c5-d4 h5-g4
89. d4-e5 g7-g5
90. e5-e4 g4-g3
91. e4-e3 g5-g4
92. e3-e2 g3-g2
93. e2-e3 g4-g3
94. e3-f4 g2-f2
95. f4-g5 g3-g2
96. g5-f4 g2-g1
97. f4-e4 g1-e1+
98. e4-d4 e1-e3+
99. d4-d5 f2-e2
100. d5-d6 e2-d3
101. d6-c6 d3-d4
102. c6-b6 e3-e5
103. b6-c6 d4-c4
104. c6-d7 c4-c5
105. d7-c8 e5-e7
106. c8-b8 c5-c6
107. b8-c8 e7-c7++
counter_violent said:
That chess game looks like a grueller 🙄

Does anyone else play chess ?

The Game was long lol. I think its the longest game ive every played !!! Just hope it wasnt too easy for gentle and it gave him headache like it did me !!! Good game gentle and thank you I can't wait for a rematch 😈 just hope the next game is more easy to analyse !!! this was similar to the fight between the bulls and bears neither wanted the other to break out lol.
Chess V Trading

des44 said:
I play...


Hi Des and Counter

I wonder how many others do actually play ? is anyone interested in getting a forum together and playing ? whilst two are actually playing Chess the others can discuss trading and their experiences, Yahoo Chess allows as many people as you wish watching a game and chatting. That would allow people to chat and also relax with a game of chess if their interested that is. Could easily be arranged 😆