Investment consultancies...


Junior member

Im considering applying to some investment consultanices (an example is Hymans Robertson . These guys manage portfolios for clients and the role would involve asset allocation, manager selection, drafting investment policies etc

My aim is to end up working for a hedge fund/asset manager as a trader/portfolio manager.

The idea is to build up a good track record at one of these places then move to a HF/asset mgrs.

Do you think this is a viable option? Will HFs/asset managers consider someone from such a background?

Any help at all is appreciated.

Not sure this is a route to a HF as a trader - more liklely you could get some work as a fund of funds manager (manager selection) - I dont think this role would help you at all. Why not study for your CFA instead ? - it's really competative to get into a decent HF and the CFA is a heavy weight exam.. sorry I am not more positive !
Im not familiar with investment consultancies. If they advice private clients and allocate that money to the best pots then its like IFA stuff right? If so, then I'd imagine this would not have any impact on you getting into a HF/AM.

Like Dealer says maybe your best bet is to do CFA. Though I reckon all 3 exams, plus books etc will cost in the region of 10k. A lot of money to put down considering if you were able to get into a HF/AM now they would usually pay for your CFA.
while reading your bs, Im sure that this poste was written by a machine.

r u waiting for miracles ? poste some of your favourites of the stockmarket and tell us when to buy.