Intraday TA


Active member
Simple question: What is the correct way to utilise indicators (such as RSI, MA, etc.) when trading intraday ?

a) "Carrying over" price data from the previous session or
b) Starting with no data (which may mean certain indicators don't show anything for a certain number of bars)

I think most would let it roll. Otherwise as you say you may not be able to do anything until around 2 or 3 hours into the session.
Missing most of the action and just going into the quiet periods when it's risky to trade.
It all depends upon whether the maket "gaps" at the open or not. If it does then it is unlikely that indicators that continue from the previous day will be as much use as if the market opens and does not gap which therefore gives a continuity.

also depends on speed of indicators ?
if you chart 1 min bars then rsi 14 will get you started quite early ?
and if you track tick and trin, carry over isn't much use ?
bonsai said:
also depends on speed of indicators ?
if you chart 1 min bars then rsi 14 will get you started quite early ?
and if you track tick and trin, carry over isn't much use ?

Of course; I guess the question should be rephrased as, is there benefit in carrying data over. But as someone else stated it depends on whether it gaps at the open.