Intraday S&P cycles


Well-known member
Here are intraday cycles for Thursday, Dec. 4 on the S&P.

Man, I messed up big time on todays cycle. This one for Friday should be better. I checked this out more throughly.

Here are intraday cycles for Thursday, Dec. 4 on the S&P.

Two ways to form an initial opinion about this...

1. Test over a large number of days
2. Provide us with some indication of the underlying method (but if it involves lunar or solar cycles then you have lost my attention!).

Two ways to form an initial opinion about this...

1. Test over a large number of days
2. Provide us with some indication of the underlying method (but if it involves lunar or solar cycles then you have lost my attention!).

It is neither lunar or solar cycles. And I am hardly going to reveal it on here. Looking for peoples reaction.
Looking for peoples reaction.

... then you'll just get the pessimists spotting the inaccuracies (fairly easy to do so far!) or the optimists seeing patterns in thin-air.

Call me old fashioned but I'm interested in proper analysis. I'll step aside for others who can contribute more to the discussion.

Ah, yes people wanting other people's approval.
Seeing what other people have to say. What they think.
You are really testing your ego. If you do well with your forecasts will you be able to keep your head about you when people tell you have great you are? Or will you start making stupid mistakes?
If you fail with your forecasts will you be able to take the ridicule?
If you are looking for true open discussion about the forecasts you will have to explain them.
If you are not willing to discuss the forecasting method then by default all you are looking for is for people to tell you how wonderful you are.(or bad)
I know when you have a method to forecast that seems to work well your first reaction is to keep it a secret. So you can hold the power. But the truth is what ever you are doing it has been done before. AND now matter how good you are there is always some one who is better than you. Forecasting and trading.
So to be honest there really is no need to be secretive. You never know what you will learn from someone else.
On top of that I have learned over time that it is better to be open with your methods then closed. The real test in trading is not the method used but the ability of the trader to control his or her self. Because of this you can have all of the knowledge in the world about the markets and still lose.
That's why most people fail. Lack of self control.
I have nothing against you in the least. Nor do I against your forecasting. In fact I applaud you for doing so. I wish you the best of success and much happiness.
If you share the method of forecasting I guarantee that you will forecast better.

My man nice stuff and appreciate why cant reveal the 2inner workings"
Please Keep it up and going KISS is the best way otherwise "paralysis by analysis" and as long as you stay nimble there is gains to be had from the messrs market
