Interview Time


After being a slave to the education system now for nearly 18 years its finally come to interview time at the IBs.

I have an interview with a top 10 IB. Its the 'meet the team interview', does anyone know what type of grilling im in for?

any comments

greatly appreciated

Er, if you don't mind me saying it's a bit of a daft question as how can anyone else know the personalities in the team and whether they're going to be aggressive, supportive, etc. When I did this sort of thing, a lot depended on whether I had time to prepare - more often than not I'd be rushed off my feet and run to the interview room, looking at the CV for the first time on the way - this meant the candidate would get an easier ride with my generic questions than the real b@stard q's I would prepare if I had time.

If this is 'meet the team' then presumably you've been through a couple of interview rounds already, and this could just be a relative formality to make sure no-one who is going to have to work with you thinks you're a ****** - in which case the main objective will be to try and come across as a decent human being. They might try and wind you up to see what you're like under a bit of pressure, so don't rise to the bait. Also, given that 'IB' hides a multitude of sins, much will depend on what area of the bank you're applying for - an interview with traders is likely to be very different from an interview with bankers where they're looking for bright, but pliable cannon-fodder as much as anything.

yeah I know its a little stupied question, just this interview came about not though the normal channels. So im completely flying blind and i just needed some runway markers to guide me. thanks anyways.

any other comments
