How would you know?
From the depths of the Star Chamber, visualising your prices utilising your visual mathematics.
Obviously you are passing comment yet again on a subject on which you know nothing, understand even less, and make really basic novice mistakes.
Possibly you have more information on the FOMC and it's relation to the debt and equity markets.
Have you ever actually traded real money........or even play money?
You have absolutely no conception of how markets are structured.
This lack of structural information directly impacts your understanding of the Function of markets. Without an ability to analyse the structure and function, or the inverse, you are wasting my time.
$Sales, $Flow, and it has other names can be viewed in real time by anyone who has the function as part of their trading platform.
When I used it , it was part of RealTick, via Terranova.
If you sit and just watch it intra-day, you will observe for yourself the divergences.
Did I say it was 100%. I don't believe I did, I said use it in conjunction with other indicators, and chart based levels.
No it does not. Buying pressure is not determined in this way. This could be persistent selling downwards in expectation of further lower prices. You make assumptions which are potentially incorrect. You would benefit by discussing this with DB Phoenix who knows all there is to know about buying and selling pressures. Ask him. I would love to see the pair of you discussing this.....And if you could persuade the Bramble to join in as well, it would be even bettter still.
I would no more discuss it with old DBP, as a Price & Volume Guru, who cannot even define the relevance of PRICE really has nothing to offer. I shall also refrain from discussing it with a fantasist such as yourself. Thankfully I can more or less divorce myself from any further discourse with yourself, as your bubble has burst. You are now an object of ridicule from any number of other posters, which is as it should be.
The Bramble I suspect is smart enough to give you and DBP a very wide berth, as shall I from now on, au revoir dimwit.