Indicator not loading

Really reluctant to download and open the files.
However, using "Inspect" on the files, they appear to be Metatrader4, so kind of legit.

But, they are in .ex4 format, that is, compiled format, not text-readable.
Do you have the text files, the .mt4 files?
i have it on the ex4 only
I would be reluctant to decompile someone elses .ex4.
They may have a reason to give in compiled form, eg, a purchased item containing proprietary code.

Best bet is the originator.
Was it expensive?
Any other purchasers with same problem?
If bought on credit card recently, maybe get a chargeback?
The license doesn't work anymore and i can't get the developer to update it
There may be some unscrupulous people willing to decompile the .ex4!
They might want to charge a fee. Slippery slope into grey areas, there.
I would be reluctant to decompile someone elses .ex4.
They may have a reason to give in compiled form, eg, a purchased item containing proprietary code.

Best bet is the originator.
Was it expensive?
Any other purchasers with same problem?
If bought on credit card recently, maybe get a chargeback?
no, it was only £20 at the time that was back in 2015 the licence expired in Sep 2017 and since then i have sent several emails but no reply.
no, it was only £20 at the time that was back in 2015 the licence expired in Sep 2017 and since then i have sent several emails but no reply.
Yes, well, I would write it off.
If you made more than £20 trading it, you got a profit.
I guess the developer has moved on to other things.
no, it was only £20 at the time that was back in 2015 the licence expired in Sep 2017 and since then i have sent several emails but no reply.
Well, you got to use it for effectively £10=/year, so you can hardly claim to be hard done by.

Unless the developer actually advertised 'lifetime support' for the modest fee at the time, you've certainly had your monies worth, compared to what others might have charged for similar products.

Hope you find one soon. You can also try and build one for yourself if this is not working out fine for you. There are some websites that offer the service.
this thread about asking decompillers
Scammer loking for scammers
Broken licenses works with errors