Important! which one are you?

Newtron Bomb

Guest Author
I am reading a very interesting book that is in no way related to the markets. It made a very interesting remark which i think people should take note of.

The hobbyist who make up most conventions and clubs are interested in learning new tricks, not learning about performance. They feel that they have a right to know all the methods and secrets of an established professional simply because he is being paid to lecture, but are generally less interested in the real glue that binds those secrets together; the performance itself.

Which one are you:?:
Seminar chaser:?:
Professional seeking enlightenment refinement of their performance:?:

The only thing that will make you a successful trader is taking action. Learning everything you can about a subject is just one part of the performance.

Newtron Bomb,

An interesting quote. You've left out the title and the author, which would be interesting to see? Risking a fatuous remark: at a guess, is this text anything to do with pulling rabbits out of hats?

More seriously: isn't it only by taking action that you discover the enormous emotional demands of trading? It can't be found by reading a book, a thread, or just taking a seminar. Valuable as these are.

The first time one's loses a sizable amount (sizable always being relative to one's circumstances) in a matter of minutes or seconds can be a defining moment. Ultimately, this probably comes down to either looking for tips and tricks or (here comes the deep bit) looking for oneself.

All those words about finding a way to trade that fits your own personality seem to be true. This seems to me, for most of us (myself included), to be one of the most difficult areas to get to grips with. The successful trader probably <i>wants</i> to trade <i>his</i> way; the rest of us are hunting for tips!

Good quote NB though; if the book is about magic, my best wishes for your new part-time career.
Beach Runner
The nail is well and truely hit on the head. Its one of Derren Borwns books called Absolute Magic. This is primarily about his journey to the branch of magic he favours.

You are absolutely correct in the interpretation that people are usually looking for tips and tricks for a short cut to riches while the real secret come from your performance of these tricks that makes you a trader.
Using the analogy again your performance gets better with practice and experience and eventually becomes intuitive enough that your performance is second nature.

Another similar explanation is that a new actor will learn lines for a part in a performance. But the experienced actor becomesthe performance.
